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Thursday, January 30, 2020

Parties must move on from Trump impeachment — or end in mutual destruction: Goodwin

As part of his closing remarks Tuesday, Jay Sekulow, a defense attorney for President Trump, urged senators to put themselves in Trump’s shoes. It was an odd but interesting challenge.

When you accept it, the view from there is a series of unhappy flashbacks. It starts with Trump’s 2016 campaign being investigated by the FBI. Before he took office, then bureau Director James Comey showed Trump parts of the Steele dossier, calling it “salacious and unverified.”

Said Sekulow, “It was so salacious and unverified, the FBI had used it to get FISA warrants” to spy on the campaign.



  1. Never ceases to amaze at how low the liberal left will stoop. I have been watching the hearings and frankly think Schiff would make a good stage actor. He is smart and crafty and detests anything conservative, and he is a liar and distorter of facts which makes him a very dangerous man. Trump is no orator or polished politician. He is a deal maker and problem solver. Which would one rather have...a slight of hand artist who fabricates or a political outsider and leader who gets the job done?

  2. I want the man who gets the job done. Trump 2020.

  3. So, after all is said and done for the last couple of months, who goes to jail? Who is the whistle blower? Who is held in contempt for lying to Congress? Let's face it the American public gets screwed still again. I get NOTHING for my admission to the show. And that is just what it is, "A Show". I am ashamed of all elected if no justice is being administered and these lying creeps are let to wander the halls of Congress left untouched. What do the public get - NOTHING. Even four more years would be great for our country; if no one is going to be held accountable, what is the deterrent from doing it again? Congress didn't have a sabbatical. it had a vacation from work during all this theater. Shame, shame shame.

  4. Only Destruction will be the Demon-crats !!!! MAGA


  6. Just like with OJ Simpson > If the Glove don't Fit > YOU MUST
    Aquit & Trump should be FULLY EXONERATED !!!!


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