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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

CDC Confirms First U.S. Case of Deadly China Virus

An individual traveling from China has been diagnosed in Seattle with the coronavirus, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spokesman confirmed on Tuesday.

The CDC is expected to make an announcement on the matter later today.

The development comes after Chinese health officials announced that the virus has killed at least 6 people and sickened over 300. Four cases were confirmed in South Korea, Japan, and Thailand. Additionally, a Taiwanese national who recently visited Wuhan, tested positive for the virus.



  1. Must be the new genetically modified H1N1 virus... and you say they are not trying to kill us off... You people are morons to think other wise...

    1. You don't have to be so condescending, your highness, we all know that your intelligence is way above the rest of us. If you have proof, please, please enlighten the rest of us morons

  2. Keep their asses out of here!


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