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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Photos Reveal Chaos as Rock-Throwing Caravan Migrants Push into Mexico

A group of mostly Honduran caravan migrants began throwing rocks at Mexican security forces as they attempted to illegally cross the border from Guatemala on Monday.

After crossing the Suchiate River, some of the migrants making their way from Honduras to the United States began throwing rocks at Mexican National Guard troops assigned to stop the illegal border crossings, according to a report by the Associated Press. The apparent assaults came as Mexican authorities attempted to control the flow of migrants.

“You have two options: You go back to Guatemalan territory or you come with us,” Mexican guardsmen told the migrants who illegally crossed the river. Authorities told the migrants they could become “regularized” if they came with the guardsmen to processing centers.

Mexico told the migrant they were free to enter Mexico as long as they registered and applied for work in southern Mexico. The Mexican government repeated its position that the migrants would not be given free passage to the United States.



  1. Snipers fix pretty much anything. Just saying.

  2. @ 12:43

    My thoughts exactly

  3. Perfect example of why they should not be allowed to come here. That kind of behavior should not be encouraged. Whats next people waiting to get a seat in a restaurant start throwing rocks until they are let in? Don't have a ticket to the ravens game so you climb the fence because you want in? Don't let them in. If they get in send them home.

  4. They will just get SHOT there !!! Not like in America where we
    spend Millions & Billions on them !!!!

  5. Reminds me of a Monty Python movie.

  6. Just poor rock throwing migrants looking for a new life in the land of milk and honey.


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