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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

‘Nobody likes him’: Hillary Clinton won’t commit to Sanders endorsement if he wins nomination

The wounds of the 2016 Democratic primary have not healed for Hillary Clinton.

The former Democratic presidential nominee was highly critical of her one-time rival Bernie Sanders in an interview published Tuesday and wouldn’t say whether she would publicly back him if he wins the 2020 primary.

“I’m not going to go there yet,” she told the Hollywood Reporter while discussing a new documentary about her.

In the four-part series, which premieres in March on Hulu, the former secretary of state argued that “nobody likes” the Vermont senator.



  1. He can't win with his socialist / communist / anti-American positions!
    Her endorsement might actually seal his fate...

    He did have a better chance of winning in '16 - except for the Brazile-nut rigging the primary in favour of the Butcher!

  2. Nobody likes HER either...

    1. Too true! Sounds like a case of projection to me.

  3. wonder how much she was paid to say that.
    they have a plan, it is all part of their plan.

  4. Lol, Now watch, his ratings will go up

  5. Hillary #3 (current Hillary character) is much more polished politician compared to Original Hillary (the one who married Bill Clinton).

    I think this Hillary could win the election if the bosses decide to run her. Many people have the opinion that they will do just that, and possibly at the Democratic Convention

  6. He might win DOG CATCHER !!!

  7. She and her girlfriend cheated Bernie last time and now she is undermining him again. What a sleazy bitch.

  8. Once the pendulum swings the other way these people like the hildabeast will be swinging from ropes.

  9. 427

    Did I drop . . .
    Where are you from?
    Who are you?
    Where do you get this information?

  10. Hillary look in your own mirror no one likes you, we wish you were serving time in jail.


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