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Saturday, December 07, 2019

What a Grinch! Mean-spirited teacher tells first-graders that 'Santa isn't real' leaving children in tears as principal says the educator will 'never return to class'

A teacher at a New York City public school told first-grade students that Santa isn't real, sending the youngsters home in tears and outraging their parents.

The unnamed instructor at PS 321 in Brooklyn's Park Slope neighborhood also told the five and six-year-olds on Monday that the Tooth Fairy doesn't exist.

Families who complained to the school said the unthinkable revelations about St. Nick just three weeks before Christmas happened during a lesson about 'convincing'.



  1. Another Hil-liar-y/Obozo voter whose childhood and life is screwed up. And now has to drag down the children...

  2. ? Now that is just rotten - there was no reason for a teacher to do this


  3. It would be justice if the state Bd. of Education told her there was no teacher certification with her name on it!


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