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Saturday, December 07, 2019

Six Saudis Arrested For Questioning After Pensacola Shooting - Three Were Filming Attack

Six Saudi nationals were taken into custody for questioning near the Florida naval base where an Air Force trainee - also from Saudi Arabia - opened fire Friday morning, killing three before a sheriff's deputy shot and killed him.

According to the New York Times, three of the Saudis were filming the attack. It is unknown whether they were students at the base, or whether they are connected to the gunman.

The shooting spanned two floors in a classroom, according to Sheriff David Morgan of Escambia Country. Two deputies were shot in the ensuing gun battle and are expected to recover.

The gunman, identified as Saudi Air Force second lieutenant Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, used a locally bought Glock 45 9mm handgun with an extended magazine, and was carrying between four and six more magazines.



  1. Firing Squad for them ALL !!! Turn them over to Military !!!

  2. Glock Locally bought by who? Certainly not a work visa student. More to the story.

  3. Northwest Woodsman: How stupid and naive can our federal government and military hierarchy be? Do they really think that these followers of a primitive religion are our friends? Diversity is an extreme danger and in no way a strength. I’m sure that these Saudi pilots were only there to show that our government/military dose t discriminate on the basis of race or religion. The Saudis are not really our allies and as such should be left to their own devices for training. We don’t need to train potential enemies. I’d follow the money trail on this as I’m sure the Saudis are paying a premium to lobbyists and congressmen in DC to continue these programs.

    1. Obama programs still in place to help destroy America from within.

  4. Where are there perp pics ?

  5. lol same as 9/11 and our government has no clue

  6. The aspiring Hollywood cameramen were just doing their part in providing crime evidence for the authorities. The perpetrator mistakenly brought GUNS to a GUN FREE ZONE without ever being advised of the law. We are just waiting for Obama to weigh in on what we should do (Don is busy with impeachment bullshitt).


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