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Saturday, December 07, 2019

Court Denies FBI Effort to Block Release of Secret Records About FBI-Clinton Lawyer Meeting on Russia

Judicial Watch strikes again!

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch on Friday announced that US District Judge James E. Boasberg, an Obama appointee, denied FBI efforts to keep secret records about a Clinton lawyer’s meeting with FBI lawyer James Baker related to ‘Trump Russia.’

In October of 2018, former FBI lawyer James Baker testified that he received a packet of information from Michael Sussmann, a Perkins Coie law partner (and former DOJ lawyer) targeting Trump during the 2016 presidential election.

Perkins Coie was the same law firm that represented the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign — Hillary funneled money through Perkins Coie to pay for the phony Russia dossier.



  1. Hmmmmmm. The plot thickens.

  2. The dumbocrats are scrambling to try to keep the focus on Trump while their dirty corrupt schemes are slowly being revealed.


    Can't wait for the inspection of Pelosi and Feinstein's finances.

    Oh, and more things are coming out about Hillary and her illegal server and emails.

    Dumbocrats are corrupt corrupt corrupt!!!!

  3. An Osama era judge? That wasn't supposed to happen. Wow, actual backbone for the rule of law, and not to the people that put you where you are.

  4. The f b.i. is more crooked today than when edgar hoover was their Director, and it was crookeder than a snake back then


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