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Friday, December 13, 2019

Tucker: IG report is a problem for CNN, others – They are exposed as liars

Thanks to the Department of Justice IG report -- the one released on Monday -- we now know for certain what was, for those paying attention, fairly obvious for a long time -- in fact, from the beginning. We now know the Steele dossier played a central role in the genesis of the beginning of the Russia hoax.

The dossier was used to justify extensive spying on an innocent American citizen; that would be former naval officer and Annapolis graduate, Carter Page. The top two leaders at the FBI were closely involved in the decision to do this. Other powerful people, including a former director of the CIA, knew it was happening and then lied to cover it up later. All of that was confirmed Monday by the IG's report.

The report was a disaster for the credibility of our bureaucratic class in Washington. But it's also a big, big problem for the American news media. They were exposed as liars and know-nothings as well.

We could you a million examples of this, but we're going to give you just a few because they paint the picture...




  1. Tired of being lied to and quite frankly tired of our elite ruling class.

  2. Hard to get the truth out when 99% of media is left wing.

  3. 10:15AM, so very true!


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