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Friday, December 13, 2019

McConnell claims Democrat leadership preventing long-term spending solution

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Thursday that Democrat leadership was threatening to scuttle a longer-term spending agreement in favor of another stopgap measure.

With a government shutdown looming if Congress does not act before the end of Dec. 20, the Kentucky Republican said his Democrat colleagues were responsible for throwing a last-minute wrench into the process.

“The story is the same as it’s been for months: partisan policy demands, poison pills, exactly the playbook that the Speaker of the House and the Democrat Leader had explicitly promised months ago in writing they would *not* use to sabotage appropriations,” Mr. McConnell said on the Senate floor on Thursday.



  1. We agree that the dumbocrats are consistent...in hating the country and its' citizens!


  2. Pelosi and Schumer need to be the very first ones ushered out in handcuffs when this coup attempt is finally prosecuted.

  3. Dumbocrats need to be voted out of every level of government all the way down to dog catcher.


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