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Friday, December 13, 2019

New York public school rejects student Christian club, OKs LGBT Pride Club

A New York school district violated federal law when it rejected a Christian student's request to start an on-campus Christian club, according to a nonprofit legal group representing the student.

The First Liberty Institute sent a letter to Wappingers Central School District on Wednesday demanding that it approve freshman Daniela Barca’s application to form the “OMG! Christian Club” at Roy C. Ketcham High School.

The aim of the club, according to First Liberty Institute, is to offer “faith-based support” during biweekly student-initiated meetings where students have “discussions about living for God in a godless society.”



  1. those same kids should just re-apply as the Muslim Prayer jihad club- then , when they get approved (because of course they will) , just go on doing their Christian thing anyway.

    Or just have their club anyway and dare the school to remove them. Its high time we realize that we owe our so-called superiors nothing.

  2. Comparing a Gay Club to a Christian Club makes zero sense. It's like being outraged there is a Chess club but not a Christian Club.

    Is the Gay Club a religious club? NO. Is a Christian Club a religious club? YES.

    The school system has reservations about RELIGIOUS clubs. Making this contrast with other clubs non-religious is nonsensical.

    I think the school system is making a mistake, not allowing a Christian after school club. As long as they also allow a Muslim Club, or an After School Satan Club.. I see nothing wrong with it. I think the courts have also ruled that such clubs are not a violation of the establishment as long as they are not exclusive (i.e. other religious clubs are banned while others are allowed.)

    I'm pretty sure, though..that when the After School Satan Club wants to open... there will be decidedly LESS support from this crowd when it comes to religious liberty or free speech... lets see. How many would ALSO support and defend After School Satan Club?

  3. I bet if a bunch of Muslims wanted to start a club it would be approved right away.

  4. Let the lawsuits begin!

  5. Same as getting a ISIS flag cake is okay but a Confederate Flag is not. Very glad I am 85 and my days are numbered, this country has gone to crap!

  6. I guess there really isn’t much left but to eliminate the people making these decisions. They are willing to strong arm their perversion on decent, upstanding people and our children so we must rid our world of these nasty folks before they take over completely.
    It’s not about religion or politics. This is about criminal perversion in our schools promoted under the false guise of tolerance, acceptance and love AND if you disagree they have the right to attack you and they want you dead. So, if people are going to die(and they are already) let it be the perverted, demented pedophiles and trannys not normal healthy people.

  7. @8:49. Of course, we are threatened with hell fire for cowardice. Aside from that we wouldn't ask permission and we'd all pay a visit the first loudmouth that wanted to be the voice attacking us. Might I suggest Christians try it? You might come to enjoy not being a prisoner in your own homeland.

    I'm serious here, at one time Christians could be respected. Even as Crusaders you showed up the battlefield and fought and died for what you believe in, misguided as it was. Modern Christians have all but submitted to evil. At this point I can't even understand the whining. You have acquiesced yourself out of government. When they can oppress you they intend to do so.


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