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Friday, December 13, 2019

Trump team rips tech giants for 'voter suppression'

President Trump’s campaign lit into tech giants on Thursday for “voter suppression” and policies that cut them off from hardcore supporters.

Campaign manager Brad Parscale told reporters in Virginia that he knew immediately after the 2016 election that changes would be made to prevent a repeat in 2020.

Mr. Parscale said he told senior Trump adviser Jared Kushner at the time that Silicon Valley would “start systematically trying to destroy everything we did in 2016.”

“They have a culture within their companies and a bias within their companies — I don’t even think this is as much for the general public as it is to keep control of their own companies because they’re places that are so liberal, they’re so progressive, that they even think giving us an opportunity to talk to our voters is something they need to stop because it’s the virtuous, righteous thing to do at this point,” he said, the Daily Caller reported.


1 comment:

  1. They don't have to bake a gay cake either. They can have any bias they like and filter content however they see fit. It does not have to be fair or equal. Air is the only thing left that's free and that's in short clean supply. Suck it up while you can.


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