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Friday, December 06, 2019

New Greta On The Shelf Doll Will Track Your Climate Sins

U.S.—A fun new "Greta on the Shelf" doll will watch you every day and fly back to the UN each night to report your climate sins to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

The doll is equipped with eye sensors programmed to detect activities that are harmful to the environment.

"Greta sees you when you're sleeping, she knows when you drive your SUV to the store instead of taking public transportation," the manufacturer said. "She knows if you've been bad or carbon-neutral, so be carbon-neutral for goodness' sake!"

More Satire


  1. If the climate alarmists (Neo communists) need to use a 16 year old dupe from the Netherlands to make their case, then they don't have a case.

  2. Would be very disturbing if real. Bet libbies would buy her by the thousands.

  3. Gosh that would be terrible if maybe the little "Doll" fell off the mantle onto the hard floor. And then even worse if someone walked by and stepped on it. After that the dog would most likely chew it to pieces, swallow some and then poop it out later. Just terrible.

  4. We should all chip in and buy one for our politicians - Pelsoi who travels from San Francisco to DC every week in a taxpayers jet - Waters the same - Obama's (Michelle flys family on US1) - (flys just their dog on US1 because they missed their dog while on vacation in Hawaii - list goes on with Obama's) - - they could really use this gadget😂😂😂


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