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Friday, December 06, 2019

REMINDER: It’s Greenery Workshop Time Once More!

On Saturday Dec. 7 the folks at Pemberton Hall Foundation and Westside Historical Society will again offer a workshop in making your own natural greenery Christmas decorations. This has become a popular annual event at Pemberton Historical Park, reminiscent of the busy weeks on the Eastern Shore in the 1800s and early 1900s when folks here made thousands of wreaths to sell from Philadelphia to Norfolk! Boxcar loads of the pungent decorative greenery were delivered daily to mid-Atlantic cities.

Now, here is your chance to learn to make beautiful wreaths, swags and other decorative pieces for the Holidays! All the greens and materials needed will be provided by these two sponsoring heritage organizations, plus hands-on instruction. At the same time some interesting bits of the history of the commercial importance of the harvesting and creation of natural greenery here on the Eastern Shore. For many years in the 1800s and early 1900s local farmers made a tidy profit to carry their families over the winter by cutting holly, cedar, and other greens, fashioning them into hundreds of beautiful wreaths, and shipping them to nearby regions. This workshop will teach the same methods, using natural materials to make the finished product. No prior experience is necessary!

Classes will be held in the Education Building at Pemberton Historical Park (on Pemberton Drive) and will begin at 10 am and run until about 2pm. Space is limited to the number of work tables available at any given time, so there could be a short wait. No decorations such as ribbons or ornaments will be provided/included in the fee, but some ribbons may be available to purchase. Or, if the crafter wishes to include these they can be brought along and the instructors will assist in attaching them to the finished product. Some folks in recent classes also attached real fruits (lemons, apples) and instructors can help with this as well – just bring your own items.

The cost for making one item is $15, but crafters may choose to make more than one item, with the cost being $15 each. Free refreshments will be provided , and both heritage organizations will have a number of gift items for sale. For more information about the workshop email westsidehistorical@gmail.com or phone 410-546-0314 or 410-726-8047.

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