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Friday, December 06, 2019

Mother of teen killed in crash: 'She didn't deserve to go the way she went'

DUNDALK, Md. (WBFF) - Cat food, ice cream and cream soda.

Those were the items 15-year-old Trinity Brooks had just picked up from the Weis Market on Holabird Avenue in Dundalk around 5:15 p.m. Tuesday evening.

The teen was making her way home, walking south on Delvale Avenue, just around the corner from her house when police say an impaired driver drove onto the sidewalk and hit and killed her.

“Right before that she was looking at Christmas lights,” said Trinity’s mother Tara Reinhardt. “She was trying to see if she could decorate her room with Christmas lights.


Documents also show police found what appeared to be heroin in her pocket, and marijuana in her car, as well as two empty fireball bottles and 92 mini liquor bottles on the passenger floor board.


  1. Wonder what the max is for this if convicted. Plus plea deals. Maybe she'll do 3 yrs.

  2. 3:12--
    You have skipped right over the massive amounts of empty alcohol bottles; you don't get to pick & choose. Impairment is the subject at hand, not legal vs. illegal substances. Too many innocent people die due to someone's decision to drive while impaired! People with that big of a problem don't care about anything but their next high, & with some drugs, you're chasing that first high that can no longer duplicated. These individuals need to get help, but no one but them can do it.

  3. He should be put down. Period!

  4. It is disgusting how we allow repeat DUI offenders back on the roads even after someone has died at their hands and it happens every day. The same with the drivers strung out on drugs prescription and other wise a person knows what happens when they use these crutches in life, they know better than their families, that their impaired but they make that choice anyway when they get behind the wheel. They should all be sentenced and after someone is killed at their hands should get life without parole ever because it is murder.


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