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Friday, December 06, 2019

Muhammad becomes a top-10 name for American babies

The name Muhammad was listed as a top 10 most popular name for American baby boys in 2019.

Two Arabic names were included in the top names, with Aaliyah climbing into the top 10 for baby girls, according to a list compiled by Baby Center. The website, which touts itself as the “world's number one digital parenting resource,” with seven in 10 expecting mothers in the United States visiting the site last year, created the list by asking 600,000 of its users what they named their child. Both Muhammad and Aaliyah were ranked 10 out of the list of 100 names.

Other top 10 boy names included Liam, Jackson, Noah, and Aiden. Top girl names included Olivia, Sophia, Ava, and Amelia.



  1. The takeover is complete...

    1. I'm not going to believe this propaganda lie

  2. What the top name in Iraq Iran Saudi ? Frank ?

  3. Just another form of intimidation for those who wish to turn heads. Most don't know the full story. Intellectually stunted.

    1. Enlighten

      When irag has a top ten name John. Maybe then ill get the full story.

  4. well isn't that just special...

  5. CNN fake news. Look up top ten male names

  6. talk about originality... NOT

  7. My question is why do any of you care? Would you prefer it to be Schlomo?

    1. 12:45. We care because - in case you have had your head in the OC sand - it is a Muslim name. Get it.

  8. I'm calling BS on that.

    "Muhammad" was in the Top Ten??

    Sure it was. Just not in THIS country.

  9. Right up there with all of the other stupid names given to children to make them unique and sound important. Never works and reflects poorly on the parent(s), not that they realize it.

  10. @6:34 Of course I got it, but I'm mocking the idiots in our community by pointing out their blind eye to Jews who are doing to the USA what they did to Germany in the 30s while perpetually standing behind fear of muslims when not even 9/11 was carried out by them. Aluminum and plastic planes, 2 of them, didn't bring down 3 steel reinforced concrete buildings and if you believe it you have brain damage. There is no compromise nor misunderstanding. You are literally not figuratively, SLOW. Of course there are those that know this but still view religious dominance in America as a contest when in reality Christian pacifism ensures that Christ will never be more than a footnote in America as laws are continually passed to remove even the slightest tainting of American values with Christianity. I say bring on the Muhammed's, because at least at some point with enough of them the government will come to learn what an armed population is capable of when they state enough is enough. It won't ever happen with John's as John believes in perpetual forgiveness, rending unto Caesar that which isn't Caesar's, and that violence even in self defense can never be carried out if you are defending against a tyrant that calls itself government. Besides it's not like pointing out children's names is going to do anything. Those that wish to name their child that will do so and not a soul here is going to do a single thing about it. 99% here won't do a single thing to protect themselves if their life is at risk much less over something as trivial.


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