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Friday, December 13, 2019

Drag Queen Prostitute Visits Texas School

If it’s OK for drag queens to host story hour, what about prostitutes? At one Austin, Texas, elementary school, students got both.

In what some parents are calling “a sign of things to come” under the city’s radical new sex ed, the kids at Blackshear Fine Arts Academy had an unexpected visitor—with an even more unexpected background. But as shocked as parents were to learn that “Miss Kitty Litter ATX” was a convicted criminal, they were even more horrified to find out that the school district knew it.

That’s the most astonishing revelation from the open records request that Texas Values filed. Thanks to internal communications between Miss Kitty Litter (real name David Robinson) and the school librarian Roger Grape, moms and dads now know that not only did Blackshear expose their children to this wild and deviant ideology but to a felon too.



  1. If these "Freaks" are now going to be accepted into normal society, then why not also legalize regular Prostitution for us men? Bet they scream about that but still want the Freaks'!

  2. That is fine for a felon prostitute,crossdressing freak named Miss Kitty Litter to be around our most vulnerable, young children, but God forbid if I smoke a joint I go to jail!
    We are way beyond 'It's A Mad,Mad,Mad World'!

  3. It's coming to Salisbury. This summer.

  4. WTF has happened to common sense? And people wonder why kids today are so fu*ked up? Look at what they are being taught and who is teaching them.

  5. Miss Kitty Litter? He must really be full of s#it.


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