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Thursday, December 05, 2019

Hundreds descend on VB City Hall demanding a ‘2nd Amendment sanctuary’; Gloucester unanimously approves theirs

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution was at the front of the minds of both elected officials and residents Tuesday night.

When Virginia Beach City Council met Tuesday for its first meeting of the month, the Second Amendment wasn’t listed on the agenda. Yet hundreds showed up to voice their thoughts on the city becoming a “Second Amendment sanctuary.”

So much so that the City Council Chambers and all of city hall reached capacity, leaving even more people outside during the meeting. By 6:30 p.m. the crowd had swelled to the point that both the Virginia Beach Sheriff’s Office and police department were on-scene to close the road down in front of city hall.

The gun rights advocates wore orange stickers saying “Guns Save Lives” in the shadow of Building 2 at the municipal center, where six months earlier a gunman killed 12 and injured 4 others.



  1. Northwest Woodsman: A Second Amendment rebellion has begun. I hope it spreads like wildfire and increases in tempo. Let’s let these pedo Marxist democrats know that we are serious about gun rights.

  2. we should be doing this NOW...

  3. This is what happens when we allow illegals to turn allot of states luciferian blue..appears the tree of liberty is gonna need some watering soon


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