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Thursday, December 05, 2019

Chick-Fil-A’s Surrender Will Only Empower Liberal Bullies

As we head into the Christmas season, religious liberty in America continues to be under attack, and it’s not just about whether people can say “Merry Christmas” in public places.

With the recent controversy over Chick-fil-A bowing to pressure to end its financial support of charities the far left has labeled as “anti-gay,” organizations that dare to hold onto certain deeply held religious beliefs will likely be punished for it.

I have served on the national boards of the two charities that Chick-fil-A will no longer be supporting, the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). Both charities have been smeared by the left as being anti-gay because of their traditional religious view of marriage as between one man and one woman.

As a former board member of both organizations, I never witnessed—nor would I have tolerated—any type of prejudice or bigotry toward gay people. All I ever saw was people earnestly wanting to help other people.

In fact, the Salvation Army estimates that it is the largest provider of poverty relief to the LGBT community in the nation.



  1. It's important to note that these 'bullies' don't have any more power over us than what we surrender to them.

    When we cave and do what they demand, that gives them what they want.

    If we DON'T do what they demand, they will fuss and scream and call us names.

    Ignore them.

    Chick-fil-A surrendering will not 'empower' them as much as it will encourage them to try it again. That makes life a bit more difficult for some folks, but for those who realize that these self-centered, immature people only have as much power as we surrender to them, it will just be another tantrum to ignore.

    Hopefully people will catch on to this shortly and quit enabling them.

  2. If people would boycott Chick-fil-A for not continuing to support the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes due to far left harassment then maybe they will reconsider. This article has wonderful information that supports both organizations of NOT being 'anti-gay. I for one will not be supporting Chick-fil-A until they support both organizations again.

  3. I drove past Chick-fil-A in Seaford Tuesday morning. One car in drive through. Just one car in parking lot near the doors. I hope it is a direct result of their recent actions

  4. I will still eat at Chick fil A. I am going to make it my place to go for lunch on Sundays.

  5. I will not support Chick-fil-A again until they get back to their roots. Their mission statement clearly states that they are honoring God so why on earth would they decide to go the 'way of the world'? this is NOT honoring God in any way. They have become hypocrites and godless. To bad for them.

  6. Real New Testament Christians know that our Father doesn’t need that filthy US Dollar created from thin air. Who’s image is on that US Dollar?

    Give to Caesar that which is Caesar’s, and give to the Father that which is His (our souls).

    Thank you

  7. bow to a vocal minority needlessly - we had there back

  8. Why the attacks on Chic-fil-A? Now the right wing conservatives want to attack them. That highly successful restaurant chain just can't win when it comes to sharing their success and wealth through charitable donations. They do a very good thing for so many people, but there's always some group that wants to accuse the restaurant chain of discrimination, no matter who they support with their donations. "Can't please all the people all the time" Abe Lincoln. Chic-fil-A should stop trying.


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