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Thursday, December 05, 2019

CEO: City schools could face $60M budget deficit next year

BALTIMORE —Baltimore City Public Schools could come up short as it looks ahead to planning next year's budget, CEO Sonja Santelises said.

"There's a projected budget gap of about $60 million," Santelises said.

Speaking at a City Council committee hearing Tuesday night, Santelises gave council members a closer look at the district's financial books and predicting what may lie ahead.

"We have been proactive in my administration in seeking out outside eyes. We have not been insular," Santelises said.

The district is focused on six months down to road, when millions of state dollars from a three-year funding package called Bridge to Kirwan will run out.



  1. Maybe it's time for a serious audit oft school system in its entirety. Baltimore's education spending is off the rails. Maybe the President should take a closer look, because Maryland reps sure as hell aren't.

  2. and for all this money look at what they are turning out. brain dead commies!

  3. Who cares --that place is a dump

  4. The start making cuts.

  5. Had enough yet? As it appears we are getting a hint of yet another tax theft from working taxpayers? are you all ready to fight for state wide school vouchers system yet? Is this problem due to the illegals burden, BOE incompetence? Democrats stupity? Why are we here AGAIN???. ME I plan to move before the proverbal excrement hits the fan

  6. What happened to the multi millions missing?

  7. 60M I mean really though you have to think about it. You only live once so who is the real idiot here? The idiots spending and receiving the 60M which will benefit their families lives for possibly generations. Or the idiots proudly paying their patriotic taxes so these other people can spend and receive it?

  8. how much is in the slush fund that was used to give students a free bustrip to DC

  9. Uh Oh, what happened to all the gambling tax an cigarette tax money that was supposed to go to the schools?

  10. How does a school even spend more than they are budgeted? Do they have credit cards? If you're starting to run out of funds toward the end of year suspend certain wasteful practices.

  11. Starting to see things like this ....the government taxes us to educate our children (among other things) ...the money is better spent by the family unit. The government is deciding for us how our money should be spent. How is this not theft?

  12. 2:18 The brains running things figured we needed a new sports stadium more than we needed an educated population.

  13. Northwest Woodsman: The wicked witch has been sticking pins in a Trump doll every day since his election.


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