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Thursday, December 05, 2019

‘Gratitude owed to them was not given’: Barr compares treatment of police officers to Vietnam veterans

The top law enforcement officer in the United States warned Tuesday that anti-police sentiment that is allowed to fester in the subconscious of the American public could threaten the rule of law.

Attorney General William Barr compared the promotion of mistrust in police peddled by some criminal justice reform activists in recent years to the unwelcome reception soldiers who fought in the Vietnam War received when they returned.

“In the Vietnam era, our country learned a lesson. I remember that our brave troops who served in that conflict weren’t treated very well in many cases when they came home, and sometimes they bore the brunt of people who were opposed to the war,” Barr said during a speech honoring police at the Justice Department. "The respect and gratitude owed to them was not given. And it took decades for the American people finally to realize that.”



  1. Bad comparison. Vietnam Nam Vets were forced to kill people in a staged false flag war (Gulf of Tonkin was admittedly staged by Jim Morrison’s father).

    Police kill people because they are afraid of a population who is resisting Statutory Law enforcement.

  2. Damn straight! A cop shoots some black thug and is immediately vilified in the press, then when the truth comes out it is buried in the news under "Not important facts".

    Can't even imagine why anyone today would want their job.

  3. Barr needs to shut his fat face. 12:33 already beat me to it (reason its a bad comparison).

    Anyone who considers themselves conservatives who are for freedom and small government should feel a slight chill after reading Barr's words. 1) the people have given the police the right to take our freedom and our lives. For the life of me, why the hell do people like Barr think we the people shouldn't hold police to the highest standards of accountability. Yes that means that get called some nasty words in the process at times. Despite there being good cops, there are plenty of thugs on the police force who should be bad mouthed. 2) Barr also thinks the government should regulate your speech by choosing where and when to protect public safety depending on one's political support. How American of you Barr.

  4. 213 clueless twit.

  5. I don't believe anything Barr says


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