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Thursday, December 05, 2019

Hunter Biden will now have to hand over FIVE YEARS of financial records - including his time at Ukrainian oil company

Hunter Biden will have to tell the judge in his paternity case exactly how many hundreds of thousands of dollars he made by controversially sitting on the board of an Ukrainian oil company, DailyMail.com can disclose.

And Lunden Roberts, the woman who claims the son of former vice-president Joe Biden is the father of her 16-month-old child will have to reveal how much she made in tips as a stripper at the Mpire Club in Washington, D.C., where the two met.

Originally Judge Don McSpadden, who is presiding over the court in Batesville, Arkansas, had only asked for three years' records.

But now he says he needs five years of records before making a decision on how much the former vice-president's son should pay to support his child.



  1. Excellent, transparency should be key. Take note Trump!

  2. Yes but he forced to turn them over to people who for his bosses. Fox guarding the proverbial hen house.

  3. Problem is 12:08 TRUMP DID NOT DO ANYTHING. He made his money as a bussiness man not as a politicans son. Or a rich political as crooks on the hill have done for decades. you and your ilk really are very ignorant morons!!

  4. Trump invested his OWN money for success. The politicians used OUR money to buy jobs, influence & investments in other countries. That was OUR money that bought Hunter a seat in the Ukraine. OUR money that Clinton funneled to her "non-profit". OUR Uranium that she sold to Russia! When will people get it? You bust your hump paying nearly a third of your income so that some Elitist in the government can make friends with people to line their pockets. They hate Trump because he is on to their scent. They know that their game is up and as long as he continues they will lose everything. He is the only one fighting for us. That is why they are so desperate to get rid of him. Drain that swamp!

  5. 2:35

    YES!!! You are correct.

  6. Don't Bet that this will happen !!!! Dems off Limits !!!

  7. Plenty of PROOF on BOTH Guilty BIDENS !!! Lock them UP

  8. Need to see Dad's records too !!!!!

  9. Daddy took millions from CHINA / Son took Millions from Ukraine PERIOD

    NOW, Lock them both the hell up !!!!


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