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Thursday, December 05, 2019

AOC Falsely Claims She Fast-Tracked HIV Drugs to Market

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) falsely claimed that her work in Congress fast-tracked the arrival of life-saving HIV drugs to the market, taking credit for a corporate decision made four years before she was elected to Congress.

Responding to President Trump's criticism of House Democrats, the progressive congresswoman fabricated a personal achievement by claiming that she "took on Big Pharma" with "colleagues in hearings that brought PrEP generic a year early" in a tweet last week.

In fact, Gilead, the pharmaceutical company behind PrEP—a medication that can reduce the transmission risk of HIV by 99 percent—had reached an agreement back in 2014 to allow a generic version of the drug to come to market a year early. The company disclosed that agreement weeks before its CEO, Daniel O'Day, appeared before Congress in May.



  1. OMG!! Please someone take her back to work at the bar!!!!!!!!!! Where were peoples minds when they pulled the button by her name.

  2. This disease is from God, and should be allowed to run its course on the Rabid population it attacks the most! God works in Mysterious ways.

  3. Illusions of grandeur. Perfectly fits the profile of the bug eyed left wing moon bat.

  4. Haven't heard much out of the"squad" since they all have been exposed as liars and frauds. Media went mute.

  5. She Fast Tracked Cocaine to market !!!

  6. for the most part DEMS are liars.

  7. So funny people actually think she was a bartender. She is high level campaign savvy strategists. Opened a company to produce children’s books upon graduating college and worked for high paying non profits. She was trained by the Kennedys and Bernie. Her craft is playing dumb, pander, victim and fear. Over and over.she has 4 million followers on instagram targeting the youth. 12 year old child will be 18 when Cortez runs for POTUS.

  8. They need some Thorazine !!! LOL

  9. She Fast Tracked Traitors to market !!!


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