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Thursday, December 05, 2019

A Furious Scalise Demands To Know Why Schiff 'Spying' On Nunes, Journalist

Contained within a 300-page report on the Democrats' impeachment investigation was a startling admission; House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) had obtained call records between Rep. Devin Nunes, Rudy Giuliani, Ukraine intermediary Lev Parnas, and journalist John Solomon.

In response, House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) said "It raises a lot of serious questions," before demanding to know what Schiff was up to.

"I want to know all the people Adam Schiff is spying on," Schiff told the Washington Examiner. "Are there other members of Congress that he is spying on, and what justification does he have? He needs to be held accountable and explain what he’s doing, going after journalists, going after members of Congress, instead of doing his job."
The records showed calls between Nunes and President Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and calls between Nunes and Lev Parnas, a Giuliani associate now under indictment for funneling foreign money to U.S. political candidates.

Schiff said the calls raise questions about whether Nunes was involved in what Democrats believe was a scheme to undermine Trump’s political rival, former Vice President Joe Biden. -Washington Examiner



  1. Grasping, at anything. Desperation since impeachment hearings are a flop with most recent in Judiciary yesterday; legal scholars turned out to be political hacks and an embarrassment with obvious disdain for Trump.

  2. The more they take shots at Trump and Republicans the more corruption is uncovered in the dumbocrat party including and up to Obummer himself.

  3. Subpoena Schiff's and his staff to see when and who this imaginary whistleblower contacted. How many times and was it before the IG was notified?

  4. Schiff where is your civility that Democrats push for their convenience? Schiff where are all your phone records and your staffs records? Schiff you say no one is above the law so shut up and put up or resign, since you think Democrats are above the law.

  5. Uh, not undermine, unmask. LMAO!! Isn’t that what Obama called it??
    Trump should already have a special task force so far up their wazzus unmasking everyone of them and their neighbors grandmother. He should have IRS, DOJ, FBI and CIA plants in every campaign and on Democrats staff.


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