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Monday, December 16, 2019

A judge ordered up to 234,000 people to be tossed from the registered voter list in a swing state

A Wisconsin judge ordered the state to take as many as 234,000 people off its registered-voter list Friday because they may have moved — a decision that could impede residents of this swing state from voting in next year’s presidential election.

The case centers on a letter that the state Elections Commission sent in October to hundreds of thousands of voters, asking them to respond if they were still at that address or to update their registrations if they had moved.

Conservatives filed a lawsuit alleging that to avoid fraud, the commission should have thrown out the registrations of voters who did not respond to the mailing within 30 days, the Associated Press reported. The Elections Commission, composed of three Republicans and three Democrats, is challenging the suit by arguing that it has the legal power to manage the registered voter list and that removing people now would cause confusion if some of them had not actually moved.



  1. Like with renewing drivers licenses, voter rolls should be purged every 3-4 years to ensure that live citizens are voting. When was the last time Wicomico purges it’s voter rolls? How many people have moved away but still registered to vote in local elections? Why should rich fat slumlords be able to move themselves and their money to Florida yet still be able to vote for Jake Day or John Cannon?

  2. They are not being "Tossed Off", there are legitimate reasons for their names to be removed

  3. When judges start tossing due to lack of valid ID and illegals cant vote then we will be happy

  4. Everyone should have a voters ID similar To drivers license.

    1. An official driver's license should be sufficient identification. We don't need two ID'. Now if someone doesn't own a driver's license then they should have the opportunity to acquire a voters ID

  5. Republican strong arming

    1. A conservative can not be a Democrat? A Democrat can't be conservative either? A little narrow thinking there!


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