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Monday, December 16, 2019

Media Smears Army, Navy Cadets, Accuses Them Of Flashing White Power Symbols

Left-wing media publications were quick to smear a group of Army and Navy cadets on Saturday as the two service academies squared off on the gridiron in what is an intense football rivalry, accusing a group of them of flashing “white power” signs.

USA Today’s Mike Brehm reported:

Questions erupted during the Army-Navy game in Philadelphia when students appeared to make the White Power hand symbol during a pregame broadcast.

Spokespersons from the U.S. Military Academy and the U.S. Naval Academy told USA TODAY Sports they have been made aware of the issue – which blossomed on social media as the game wore on – and the schools are looking into it.

Far-left activists posted close-up videos of television screens showing what they claimed was the cadets flashing the white power sign. Others urged their followers to make the photos and videos go viral on Twitter.

There was strong pushback against the smear attempts, with many noting that the cadets were playing the “circle game.”



  1. Not a smear at all, they did it clear as the nose on your face.

  2. Just more fake news

  3. Has anyone ever played the circle game ? Fake news is one thousand percent correct !!!

  4. Actually reddit or 4chan is to blame for this being the white power sign... It was supposed to troll the media and they bought it hook line and sinker

  5. Even if they did flash the "White Power hand symbol," I'm not sure why there is just outrage at it. Blacks walk around all the time with their fist in the air in the "Black Power symbol." I never hear an OUTCRY over that. What is the problem with the media? Next, they'll want to charge them with a "hate crime."

  6. There is nothing wrong with being White and Proud, enough said

  7. 1049 its because "Black Power" was never used to justify the systematic disenfranchisement and violation of human rights by hate groups and people sympathetic to those groups. Does that clarify things for you?

  8. The lefties are showing their ignorance.

  9. ALL Bull shhhht !!!! Made up by Democrats & Racist Blacks

    One can make anything they like out of any Gesture !!! fact

  10. Media = Democrat controlled Media !!! these days


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