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Monday, December 16, 2019

Political Memes


  1. Especially enjoyed the one re: Oprah. She has wasted such an opportunity to bolster the plight of Blacks rather than pander to them. She could have used herself as a positive role model like Dr. Ben Carson has but she insists on far left ideology and Hollywood.

  2. So true about Oprah


  3. Oprah's rep and cash flow took a hit when she hoisted herself on Zero's bandwagon. Hasn't recovered.

    Her audience was heavily white women with time on their hands and money to spend. Many saw through Zero. She should have stayed clear of politics. Too bad; so sad.

  4. Oprah is a Racist piece of shhhht from her Baltimore
    Hellhole , who got Ritch just because she was Black, on
    White tv & fooled alot of people daily , being on air for yrs !!!

    Just like Obama, fooled alot of White people, supported by
    Democrats, who have SOLD OUT White people in America !!


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