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Sunday, November 10, 2019

Virginia’s Democratic Government Announced It Will Begin Confiscating Guns From Law-Abiding Gun Owners

Virginia’s gun owners will now be forced to stay on their toes as its Democratic government has announced it’s going to take the war on guns into overdrive within the state.
According to the Washington Post, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam announced during a Cabinet meeting on Wednesday that now that Virginia’s state government is under complete Democrat control for the first time in a generation, they’re going to take the heavy stick they were just given and begin beating gun owners over the head with it:
Regarding gun control, he referred to eight “common-sense” bills he proposed for the special legislative session he convened in July, in the aftermath of a mass shooting in Virginia Beach on May 31. Republicans who controlled the General Assembly shut down that session after 90 minutes — sending all of the bills to the crime commission and promising to reconvene after the election.
Northam mentioned universal background checks, banning the sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, restoring the law that limits purchases to one gun a month, and a red flag law that would empower a court to temporarily remove a gun from a person deemed to be a risk to himself or others.
That’s definitely bad, but it’s far from the worst part. Reporters asked Northam if he was going to begin taking “assault weapons” from gun owners, and Northam’s answer was straight out of an Orwell novel.
“That’s something I’m working [on] with our secretary of public safety,” he said. “I’ll work with the gun violence activists, and we’ll work [on] that. I don’t have a definitive plan today.”


  1. I'm not a democrat, but what is wrong with universal background checks or limiting high capacity magazines?

    1. What is wrong with it. Shall not infringe to start with, but let's just say for argument I agreed, one day after they passed that, they would nudge and push for more, because they are communists...shall not infringe. Say it, shall no infringe. Now tell me your interpretatation.

    2. Shall not infringe
      Shall not infringe
      Shall not infringe
      Shall not infringe

  2. Virginia is going to be taxed out of control now. So stupid.

  3. Trust me, the bullets will fly and the blood will be on their communist hands. It wont be just the blood of civilians i can guarantee

  4. There is no way that Virginia is this insane. Election fraud is the only way that they can win control... #sadtimes

  5. That didn’t work out so well for Beto.

  6. Doublespeak rules.

  7. Any Virginians who are patriotic Americans should move out of Virginia as soon as possible for their own safety. Rampant mental illness has taken hold of the Commonwealth.

  8. OATH KEEPERS for LIFENovember 9, 2019 at 4:53 PM


  9. People you can't keep moving or running away from this type of insanity. At some you're going to have to stand and fight

  10. So it will begin in Virginia! Can't wait to see them try it in the Blue Ridge area of the state!!

  11. When they pry them from my cold dead fingers !

    1. Exactly, they wont get any of my firearms. I bet hes walking around with armed security though.

  12. 3:01

    Obviously, you are a dumbocrat.

    Do you want the security for these elected assholes to have limits on "high capacity magazines"?

    When you take away the citizens right to own weapons and defend themselves you get 1939 Germany.

    Oh, and B.T.W. NAZI stands for National Socialist.

    LOOK IT UP!!

  13. Sad part is MOST are all MOUTH and NO Action...

  14. Know what you're talkin about before you comment, California has a strong economy. Far from going down the tubes

  15. Bloomberg is a big ANTI GUN

    biatch is running for President

  16. Thats why they have over 60,000 living in the streets crapping all over the place. That's why the rail system is not finished. That's why your electric is still above ground starting fires, that's why you need federal funds and grants constantly, that's why I can go on and on about California's great economy. So you better study because you don't know what you are talking about

  17. You must mean a different California than the one in the United States. They can't even keep the electric on


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