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Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Viewer Writes..........Even More Fraud?

This is a 'sponsored' ad floating around Social Media praising Jake Day and the City for something he didn't do. This is a fraudulent ad making a dig at the County Executive. Who paid for it! Why was it needed? Did the State taxpayers pay for this ad or did Franchot's campaign pay for it? Did Jake Day's campaign pay for it! Is this another attack from Franchot's boy Len Foxwell? Who paid for it?


  1. I believe the county has been the sole owner since 1971. Time to transition to Wicomico Airport Authority.

  2. His lackey Jared Schablien learned from him then. Say you did all these great things like your accomplishments when others showed up & did it not you.

  3. Long story short - Airport & County needed new water source for airport expansion (it is service by a number of wells that don't meet future requirements). County asked the city if they could extend city water to airport and city said yes.
    State and county will fund the extension and city gets paid by the gallon. Win Win.

  4. The comptroller should not be using tax money for a sponsored add of this nature.Is this Peter's campaign page? The ticket will read Franchot-Day you watch they are making appearances everywhere and kissing each other's buts.

  5. November 5, 2019 at 2:42 PM
    Long story short, just another jake fabrication. as usual.

  6. Anonymous said...
    I believe the county has been the sole owner since 1971. Time to transition to Wicomico Airport Authority.

    November 5, 2019 at 1:31 PM

    I couldn't agree more.

  7. As a taxpayer, I think we all deserve to know who is paying for that ad?

  8. Anonymous said...
    His lackey Jared Schablien learned from him then. Say you did all these great things like your accomplishments when others showed up & did it not you.

    November 5, 2019 at 1:49 PM

    That POS is running for the Pittsville Town Council. If you can vote in Pittsville I urge you go vote for Sean McHugh and Bethany Miller.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Long story short - Airport & County needed new water source for airport expansion (it is service by a number of wells that don't meet future requirements). County asked the city if they could extend city water to airport and city said yes.
    State and county will fund the extension and city gets paid by the gallon. Win Win.

    November 5, 2019 at 2:42 PM

    That's not the point. Who paid for this ad is the point and the other post points out that the Jake Day did not fight for this funding!

  10. Bob Culver, time for a name change. This is NOT the "Salisbury Regional Airport."

  11. This has Len Foxwell written all over it.

  12. So this is all "the great things" Jake Day does. Proof that Jake Day does absolutely NOTHING!

  13. Just watched 16 news and chief election judge slipped in her comments to show up and support the mayor!!

  14. There was no "fighting for" the water extension by our mayor and council.

  15. I still don't understand why we even need an Air Port. It's cheaper to drive to Balt. DC or Philly and there is no one here that important to get anywhere. I remember when Dick Henson was crop dusting and running mail. He was a great Pilot and a very lucking Business Man. He did leave us a lot of dough though. Last time we lunched at Johnny's and Sammy's before they closed. He was wearing a plaid polyester suite that had to be 20 years old.

    1. Im in cali right now could of flew out of salisbury but id rather pay 146 roundtrip to cali from bwi than 400 from salisbury

  16. It is seeming very obvious that the Comptroller is grooming Jake Day as his running mate or future gubernatorial candidate.

  17. 7:22 Why don't you hand-crank start your Model T and take the ferry over to Friendship Airport ...or did you prefer Martin's?

  18. 7:22 you can tell you don’t fly if you did you would know it’s usually cheaper to fly out of Salisbury

  19. Whilst many of you are not FROM here and mistake all the latent Suburban Sprawl and franchised Amenities for an incorporated Municipality with institutionalized covenants it's anything but. Look around did you really think you could come here and slumber in a Lower Tax base and make such demands for your money. There has always been Nepotism here starting from the first Chartered Families. LOL they don't even live or vacation here anymore and you people want to fight over their paved paradise and parking lots with all that comes with it. Have at it LOL.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I still don't understand why we even need an Air Port. It's cheaper to drive to Balt. DC or Philly and there is no one here that important to get anywhere. I remember when Dick Henson was crop dusting and running mail. He was a great Pilot and a very lucking Business Man. He did leave us a lot of dough though. Last time we lunched at Johnny's and Sammy's before they closed. He was wearing a plaid polyester suite that had to be 20 years old.

    November 5, 2019 at 7:22 PM

    You are correct. You DON'T understand why we need an airport and it is NOT cheaper to drive to another airport plus less headache by flying from here. But keep living in the past, you have lots of company.

  21. Take the Shuttle to Baltimore !

  22. WE the people, did not authorize this. Do they forget just who the hell they work for? It's OUR damn money that WE worked our azz's off for and they do what they damn well please with it. This crap needs to be stopped. Let's march on city hall and demand our voices back. You cowards can sit home in your recliners with your tail tucked between your legs.


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