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Sunday, November 10, 2019



  1. Wonderful. Now what about the real community safety crimes?? Oh that's right. That's too hard.

  2. The Clinton Foundation just found it's next Employee!

  3. 18 months in prison for committing Grand Larceny along with a host of other crimes? Guess our little hamlet is not going to deter lawbreaking. For 18 months, this young lady doesn’t have to buy any groceries nor pay one day’s rent. And she probably has a nest egg so after her prison visit, she can move to another podunk area where she’ll no doubt run this scam somewhere else.

    1. Wakeup 848. Thus is a nonviolent crime. She, BY LAW will only serve 5 months of her 18 month sentence. In Maryland, you only serve 1/4 of your active sentence...then you are paroled out. It's the law.

    2. Violent crimes must serve half before being eligible for parole.

  4. It is nice that youo trolls think that prison life is so cushy. Try spending 18 mos in ECI with murderers and rapists and corrupt CO's.

    1. Obviously you don’t know how our prison system works. ECI is probably not where this young lady would go. She’s 6 months over standard jail so she will be in a prison facility but for women. They don’t have coed in prison for obvious reasons. The chances of there being rapists in a female prison are slim unless you watched the Charlie’s Angels episode where the prison security staff made the inmates turn trick. Of course, that’s Hollywood not the really real world.

    2. Unless the sentence specifically says DOC, then she will do local time..and thanks to Maryland Justice Reinvestment Act, she will likely do less than 25 percent of the sentence..then, depending on her record..she could be in a LOW supervision category, and not have to physically report..gee, thanks JRA

  5. Owners of Kitty's Flowers were asleep. They must be rolling in dough. $180,000.00 missing from the till and they don't notice. Probably just raised prices.

    1. That s so ignorant if u don’t know the whole story keep ur opinions to urself. 18 mths s no where near what this girl should have gotten. She got off easy this isn’t the first time she has done it. She should have gone across the bridge and spent her 10 yrs there. So beware of I hire her.

    2. That s so ignorant if u don’t know the whole story keep ur opinions to urself. 18 mths s no where near what this girl should have gotten. She got off easy this isn’t the first time she has done it. She should have gone across the bridge and spent her 10 yrs there. So beware of I hire her.

  6. Rumor is a former employee just got 6 months for stealing over 80K worth of jewelry from Kuhns

    1. Ahhh. The real reason they are closing.

  7. 9:30- Just what do you know? People are allowed to have their opinions. You are actually the one trolling. You must be a Democrat. You accuse everyone else of what you're guilty of actually doing.

  8. She's doing county time and after 3 months she will be able to complete her time doing work release. Doesn't sound like ECI murderers and rapist to me.

    1. Isn’t ECI all men anyway?

    2. 10:26 wrong. Anything over a year your going over the bridge to DOC then she will be sent to Jessup

    3. No, you are wrong. Under 2 years is served local unless the judge specifically states DOC. Now, the defendant has the right to request DOC for any active sentence over 1 year and 1 day. And DOC is FAR preferable than local detention. Far more freedom, opportunities, free time, gym time, clubs, religious education....its a small open community. Unfortunately, I speak from first hand experience. Spent 6 months at DOC and my jaw hit the ground. Whatever the general idea of prison is so far off what Maryland DOC for women really is. My decisions each day involved choosing whether I wanted to attend yoga, aerobics, volleyball, scrapbooking, bee keeping, writers club, etc, etc etc. I have witnessed holiday decorating entire buildings and living quarters that would rival the efforts of merchants at our mall. I bought my favorite girl Scout cookies and ice cream, as well as watched talent shows with incredibly talented women. People have no idea what prison for women in Maryland is really like. It's more like a big high school overnight lock in, except you can't leave the next day lol. It's not really funny, it's downright pathetic in that there is very little punishment you experience with a DOC sentence. Soooo many repeat inmates because they know it's fun and easy. And in many cases, BETTER than how they live outside the institution. But lightening doesn't have to strike me twice!! One visit was enough for me!

    4. 7:05...you are incorrect...up to 18 months can be local..the court would specify DOC..her probation order and commitment orders will have it on them.

    5. 1206

      yes, ECI are all men,
      but than you have men who like to be girly...
      hell, you can see the girly guy right here in Salisbury as Mayor , that was voted in
      by malcontents @ Salisbury University

  9. Northwest Woodsman: In the interest of fairness and equality, I’m happy to note that this perp is a white woman for a change and also not a politician.

  10. I heard she took from About Faces too and to avoid charges had her parents pay her restitution. Shore Appliance would be wise to check over their recent transactions.

  11. She must come from a wealthy family says all money was paid back.

  12. We as customers should be worried about her having access to credit card info. If she will embezzle she ll steal others info for personal use

  13. Not a bad salary for 18 months. Just jack the price of flowers up a little more to cover it. But wait, then nobody could afford to buy them, like fewer and fewer are able to now. Prices are downright rediculous.

    1. 735....are you kidding about outrageous prices @ Kittys ?

      I bought an arrangement.....it cost 85.00 to be delivered...

      I kicked myself....after my wife said.. I could have purchased her nail certificate right across the street for 45.00....not withering flowers at Kittys.

  14. Funeral homes in Delaware are vulnerable to employee theft.


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