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Monday, November 04, 2019

Trump: ‘I Think Nancy Pelosi Has Lost Her Mind’

After returning from New York City, Sunday, on the South Lawn of the White House, President Donald Trump said he believed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) had “lost her mind.”

Trump said, “I think Nancy Pelosi has lost her mind.”

He continued, “I think, frankly, that she should go home to San Francisco. If you look at what is happening to her district, her district is going to hell. With homeless that they’re not taking care of, with needles all over the streets, with tents, with people, with sanitation, with horrible things being washed into the ocean, into the Pacific Ocean.”



  1. Nancy should have retired when she was on top of her game. Now look - she can't discipline the "Gang of Four" or Schiff. She does love the spot light. Acts like she is the President. Sad. She doesn't need the money - I guess ego!

  2. Hopefully the cummin'effect happens to her...

  3. I mean, is it even up for debate at this point?

  4. I agree, she needs to be put out to pasture.

  5. I honestly think she has mild dementia, she's just OLD. A lot of them are, both parties. Its ridiculous that politician's egos are so huge that they try to run our country in their 70's and 80's when they should be retired in Florida, enjoying their millions, and waiting for the grandkids to visit. Term limits!

  6. She is Evil & a Demon-crat !!!! America Enemy !!!!

  7. You can't lose what you never had....


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