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Monday, November 04, 2019

Brennan's Spy? New Theories Emerge About Trump-Ukraine Whistleblower

As Democrats seek to impeach President Trump over the "high crime" of asking Ukraine to investigate his political opponents, theories have emerged suggesting the whole thing is a 'six ways from Sunday' operation by Intelligence Community holdovers and Establishment Democrats to remove a sitting President who started flying too close to the sun.

After Trump asked his Ukrainian counterpart on July 25 to investigate pro-Clinton Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 US election, and allegations of corruption against Joe Biden and his son Hunter, a CIA officer who worked with the 'DNC meddler' and Joe Biden filed a second-hand whistleblower complaint on a recently altered form (which previously allowed only first-hand information).

First, let's take a deeper look at the whistleblower, reported by investigative reporter Paul Sperry to be Eric Ciaramella (EC) (via RedState's Elizabeth Vaughn, emphasis ours):



  1. Gee wiz, yah think

  2. Psst. One big hole in your crack brained theory. Perhaps you should look at the statements directly from appointees.

  3. Brennan is a communist, which has been known for years. Well before Obama appointed him ahead of US CIA. Whistleblower is a spy and cannot be labeled a whistleblower since he went to Schiff before he went to IG>


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