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Monday, November 04, 2019

Ohio State PD Reveals Bias Against Conservatives


  1. Well here is the reason! An A.A. woman Chief and a gay woman Deputy Chief. This reeks of liberalism all over. You can't get anymore liberal than appointing your police chief and deputy police chief as these two women. This is nothing but being politically correct and liberalism. They are an embarrassment to law enforcement. Their Twitter account is @OSUPolice , feel free to bombard them with messages.

    Seriously now. Would you feel safe with them as your responding police officers to protect you?

    Congratulations! Newly appointed police Chief Kimberly Spears-McNatt and Deputy Chief Tracy Hahn recognized at a public ceremony and reception.


    Send your kids somewhere else!

  2. I'm a conservative republican but to tel the truth I'm not sure how I would react to two idiots dressed like they are. They look more like looney democrats

  3. Yea, these kids were looking for Drama... and they found it... then purposely tried to escalate it.

    This wasn't them being serious, or trying to hold a dialogue. This was them acting the fool to try and get a rise out of someone... and when they got it they cried foul and persecution.

  4. Sounds like liberal SU PD. Try to enforce laws there is a joke. They always want it to be downgraded and sent to student affairs. Also, does that ass kissing chief still work there? His main focus is to make sure the college president's parking space is free and clear. I wonder if there is a monitor in his office with a camera view on the spot??


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