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Sunday, November 10, 2019

Tomorrow Is Election Day 11-4-19

Tomorrow Salisbury residents have the chance, (once gain) to make the change in leadership that isn't a part of the Good Ol' Boy system by voting for Wayne King. 

My viewers will recall when I ran for Mayor of Salisbury and my opponent did absolutely nothing to campaign. He called a month before the election stating he knew I had the election won. Then they claimed it was a spoof phone call and some how, some way if you voted for me, he got the vote. Even the press flat out admitted there was no way he had won that election. It is what it is but this time they are caught with their pants down because Wayne doesn't have a Blog that has millions of hits and they think Jake can win this election without any funny business.

That being said, YOU need to get out and vote. YOU need to know that I will be there for Wayne in any capacity he needs because I will have his back. Yes, Wayne is a bit brash but you have to understand that he's new to politics, unlike everyone else you've voted in who have political backgrounds and it can be very frustrating. The most important thing you need to know about Wayne is the fact that he is very passionate about what is best for ALL taxpayers and visitors of Salisbury.

If you look at Jake's campaign financial statement you'll see financial backing from Peter Franchot and his right hand man Linwood Foxwell. The guy has raised some $50,000.00 in a town that only has 32,000 citizens. THAT'S CRAZY! To top it off he spent $26,000.00 of that $50,000.00 already. Look at those two names again and remember the letters that were sent out against County Executive Bob Culver for their underhanded liquor license for the Folk Festival. Culver was 100% spot on, these people abused their power and the Good Ol' Boys once again got something you and I could never get without going through the proper channels. 

So THINK hard about what tomorrow will bring. If you vote for Jake Day there's a very good chance he will leave Salisbury and run for Lt. Governor in the upcoming Governor election. Know that they are grooming Carl Anderton to run for Wicomico County Executive in that next election, just as they did Jack Heath. If you want to see Salisbury and Wicomico County all screwed up and your taxes go through the roof, sit at home and simply watch their plan come together. If you are sick and tired of all this political swamp crap, get off your rear ends tomorrow and place your vote for Wayne King. Remember, nothing is going to be rigged because Jake thinks he has this thing in the bag. Ireton knew I had it won, they had no choice and all of you were screwed. Make a difference and cast your vote for Wayne King.


  1. I have always said election boards are not above board with votes. By the time they get back to be tallied numbers change with that pencil, just like stats do. As far as Carl Anderton to run for Wicomico Co. Executive, he does not have the knowledge or brains to pull that one off!!!

  2. Joe, I voted for you then and will vote for Wayne this time. I pray he wins.

  3. 11:22, That doesn't mean the won't try. Democrats have a master plan and part of that plan is to plant people like Anderton is on the republican ticket when in fact they are democrats. Just look at the Wicomico Republican Club and even the Central Committee, RINO's! On a local level they have been working on intimidating people at council meetings and now there's NO ONE in attendance. People are afraid to speak their minds in fear of retaliation. The ONLY place people can go is SBYNews anonymously. EVERY other form of media(liberal) forces people to use their Facebook account to comment so they can come back at you for disagreeing with their agenda. A vote for Wayne King can and will change all that, just as your vote for President Trump did. These people need to FEAR US!!! Not the other way around. WE believe in TRUTH, ACCOUNTABILITY and a great FUTURE for our children. They believe in roundabouts, borrowing and spending. They LIE and will tell you what you want to hear and then couldn't care less after they get caught in those lies, (Hillary Clinton). We start right here at home and start making change for the better.

  4. This past Friday, three robberies took place at Shore Stop,Royal Farms and Mc Donald's all in a one block radius of Parsons Rd and Pemberton Dr. No local news coverage. But crime is down in Salisbury.

    1. Rambo will catch them with his bare hands

    2. 10:15- What does that even mean?

    3. Keep reading this blog daily 556, soon you will understand

  5. I was on the fence until I met him coming to houses on street and spoke to him one on one. He asked for my vote which is more than I can say for our current Mayor. I am voting for Wayne.

  6. Joe, Maybe this Foxwell character needs the Baltimore Sun to look @ the ethics behind his letter to Culver and the fact that he made a personal donation to Day, even though he lives in Easton. Great journalism!

  7. Another interesting name on the Day disclosure was the father of Republican nominee for the open County Council District 2 seat. Isn't it funny how the father of the Republican nominee, one who got 3 Dem votes of the Council, donates to a Democrat? You are on point. This bunch of democrats and RINOs want the County treasury. Then God help the middle class homeowners.

  8. 12:34
    The also need to monitor the amount of time he is spending PLAYING on social media.

  9. No doubt we will go vote for Wayne, just like we voted for Joe. Just hope this time they know how to count votes correctly, but I highly doubt it.

  10. Just my two cents worth, elections day is coming up next week for our leaders in Salisbury. I encourage everyone that is eligible to vote to make yours count. The only bad vote is when you don’t vote at all. Please do your own investigation into the candidates and make a good vote. We do not need anymore Jake Day in my opinion. Vote for whoever you feel is the right person for this position.

    1. Election day is tomorrow, not next week. If you're waiting for next week to vote it looks like will giving, in your own words, "a bad vote".

  11. Chuck Cook is going to hack the voting machines to flip the vote again!

  12. Thanks Joe for your support, and everyone else here. If you know someone that wants to vote, but can't get to the poll. We will drive them. Pass that along. Call me at 410-726-4175.

  13. Any info on Sean Jester? Looked at his web site but anyone can clean up with spit and polish.

  14. Chuck will do that just like how he hit and ran a parked car while driving home from “Don’s” some years back. He was hammered drunk after one of his music performances.

  15. Woo woo
    Rock n Roll Wayne King for Mayor...

    send little BOY Day back to Perdue farms as live hang ....

    Jake Day has been a failure to Salisbury...

    please vote for Wayne

  16. Sheriff Lewis endorsed Jake? How did that happen?

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Joe, Maybe this Foxwell character needs the Baltimore Sun to look @ the ethics behind his letter to Culver and the fact that he made a personal donation to Day, even though he lives in Easton. Great journalism!

    November 4, 2019 at 12:34 PM

    You make a good point. On another note, Foxwell is on that Easton facebook group creating controversy and stirring $hit! People have called him out about using his state job as influence in his divisiveness.

    Len Foxwell has to go and we need to remember that when we vote in 2022 and we need to vote against Peter Franchot.

    In the mean time we need to vote for Wayne King tomorrow.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Another interesting name on the Day disclosure was the father of Republican nominee for the open County Council District 2 seat. Isn't it funny how the father of the Republican nominee, one who got 3 Dem votes of the Council, donates to a Democrat? You are on point. This bunch of democrats and RINOs want the County treasury. Then God help the middle class homeowners.

    November 4, 2019 at 12:44 PM

    WTF are you talking about?? There is no open seat in District 2 and no one know what or who you are talking about. You are anonymous so name names so that we can at least try to figure out WTF you are talking about.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Chuck will do that just like how he hit and ran a parked car while driving home from “Don’s” some years back. He was hammered drunk after one of his music performances.

    November 4, 2019 at 4:38 PM

    Well we never heard about the rest of the story with Jake Day's hit and run with a possible DUI!

  20. We are voting for Wayne!!

  21. He is Salisbury’s best hope.

  22. I told Wayne the other day, that it was sad that people, didn't realize how lucky they were to have had you here. You have spent decades educating us to the depth of dirty politics and illegal deeds of many in this community and in return, all the good old boys did was smear your name. I have always respected and admired that you stuck your neck out on our behalf. And I am sorry that a lot of people here were too stupid to realize what you have done for us.


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