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Sunday, November 10, 2019

How the school system works with, and helps Haitian students enroll, adjust and prosper in Wicomico County Schools


  1. And I am sure that they are all legal immigrants that are anxious to learn English and assimilate into our society.

  2. The Haitian students in our schools are some of the most disrespectful and underachieving students we have. Their parents were decent and daring enought to bring them to the greatest country on earth only to have their kids almost immediately assimilate to the worst thugs and low lives in our county.

    1. I live across from dirtbag Haitians.

    2. At 3:55 p.m., what is your first-hand knowledge and experience on what you just stated?

    3. Oh I can assure you they have gangs

    4. 5:10 “students in our school” didn’t u get that part?

  3. And this is important, why?

  4. I taught at the Mad House (JMB). It’s worse than you could possibly imagine

  5. This is beautiful.


  6. I don't want to be unkind,but when I was last in Fruitland Walmart, it was like being in Haiti. It looks like they have overrun Fruitland (probably because of all the rentals in the area)

    Aren't many of them here on that TEMPORARY visa program from the earthquake/storm damage that is due to end very soon?

    Of course, we all know that the army of resistance lawyers will never let them be sent back home. And we all knew that when they came, eh?

    For the record-- the voting results were posted this morning, and for the most part the idiots were left in charge, so don't expect any sympathy as your towns and county go swirling down the drain. With the voter turnout so low.. only 16%.. you deserve what you get. And don't say it was rigged.. how hard is it to come up with enough votes to rig an election when only a handful of people care enough to show up and do their duty? If it WAS rigged, it's only because it was made so easy to do.

  7. What about the Legal US citizens children? They are being forgotten for the illegal immigrants that just wants US free tax dollars.

  8. These illegal low lifes are trouble! They seek the lowest level of ghettoites to emulate. They are nasty , rude and yet they get all the extras that our kids who really want to learn have to do without.

  9. I apologize. I'm black and I'm overwhelmed by the influx of them. If they are so displaced and disadvantaged, how are they buying up businesses etc. and getting food stamps etc., i thought it was temporary. They are rude and ignorant in the stores. Sorry but not sorry. I'm sick of feeling like a foreigner in the country i was born raised and pay taxes in. Go to wal mart every thing is gone. And im talking about the influx of ILLEGALS overall

    1. True, I was at Food Lion on Snow Hill Road and was looking at bacon Haitian lady (clearly by her speaking) reached over my head and I said excuseme she said OH like either she didnt see me at all or that I actually said something to her. Mind you I had just gotten there, I wasnt lingering or anything just looking to see where my centercut bacon was. Just plain rude

    2. Don’t apologize they are not you or your people. We all know white and black there are bad groups and Haitians are the worst.

  10. Why do we care about Haitians --we need to kick them out of our country not bring them in. What about American kids

  11. I have had one of the lumps of excrement steal from my yard sale..pretty low. My daughter went to JMB.they appear to be very ungrateful thuggish and expect allot for nothing

    1. I really dont think they like Americans better yet African American at all

  12. Poor white kids get no help!

    1. Now that, i disagree w/. Not only do they get help, they get passes for behavior for being poor and white

    2. Poor white Kids get nothing because white skin makes them smarter and something privilege. LOL

      If you are poor and white you are on your OWN

    3. White kids had a 400 year head start .. pretty sad they still need help

  13. BOTTOM LINE!!! The AMERICAN SCHOOL SYSTEM is ONLY supposed to help NON AMERICAN students. The ENTIRE school system is ran by AMERICAN HATER'S and Foreigners. That's why they don't have prayer in school anymore. That's why they have incorrect history books. That's why ANYTHING a child says or thinks outside their agenda IS RACIST.Thats why they sneakily throw Muslim teachings in the curriculum. So the next time a teacher whines about how tough the job is. Or the low pay they get. ITS ALL BS. If you don't stand up against these issues. Means their not much of a teacher to begin with. Fo you want more pay?? Do you want a safer environment to teach in?? THEN STAND UP AND FIGHT AGAINST THE BOE AND UNION.

  14. Privatize the school system. Give school vouchers and make schools compete. These problems will be solved quick.

  15. Anonymous said...
    At 3:55 p.m., what is your first-hand knowledge and experience on what you just stated?

    November 6, 2019 at 5:10 PM

    I think they just told you! Idiot!

  16. Anonymous said...
    What about the Legal US citizens children? They are being forgotten for the illegal immigrants that just wants US free tax dollars.

    November 6, 2019 at 5:39 PM

    You are 100% Correct! Fk Donna Hanlin and her dorky husband!

  17. When people talk about Donna Hanlin and how great she is with her Vision 2020 or whatever the Hell it is, they fail to recognize the fact that she was unemployed before the IDIOTS at the Wicomico County Board of Education hired her. That means she wasn't needed or wanted anywhere in the state or country. Don't just let her get away with her corruption, start going to their BOE meetings every month and give them Hell!

    If the BOE doesn't get rid of her, get rid of them. There is a seat up for grabs in 2020 and you can start there. Then in 2 more years, all 7 of them are up for grabs. Replace them all!

  18. Anonymous said...
    These illegal low lifes are trouble! They seek the lowest level of ghettoites to emulate. They are nasty , rude and yet they get all the extras that our kids who really want to learn have to do without.

    November 6, 2019 at 7:21 PM

    I have a family of them who moved into my neighborhood several years ago in Salisbury City limits. They paid twice more than the house was worth and moved in about 20 people. This past Summer the first family moved out and in comes another Haitian family. I don't know if they are related or not but it's ironic that they are the second Haitian family.

    Both families are nasty:
    They throw their trash int the yard
    They have old junky cars that don't run
    They park their cars in the front yard.
    They have a basketball backstop blocking the sidewalks on both sides of the street.
    Their kids are loud and obnoxious playing in the street.
    They have no grass in their yard
    They have a barking dog that barks all day long.
    Yep, these are "the great things that Jake Day is doing for Salisbury." Bunch of dumb a$$es!

    Thanks to them and Jake Day for not enforcing the City Code I will be moving out of the city. I know I won't make anything selling my house so I will be forced to rent it out.

    Buh Bye Jake Day Salisbury!

  19. I'm hearing District 2 BOE member Gene Malone is being asked to run against District 2 Council Member Nicole Acle during the 2020 election. Trust me, you don't want Gene Malone on the County Council.

    1. Haitians are the worst. Clotheslines in the front yard, chickens running everywhere, and goats in the backyard.

      If you’re having a flea market or yard sale, look out.

  20. This is paradise compared to the filthy slums they came from but they try to make America the same slum hole as Haiti to make themselves feel at home. Why didn't they just stay there to begin with. Oh, no free stuff there like here.

  21. Since our tax dollars are being used to help these people who are the government officials and agencies handing out all the benefits,as taxpayers we have the right to know.

    1. Your tax dollars do a lot of things this is at the bottom of the list. Complain about your money being sent to the Middle East

  22. WHAT is it with all "these people I've encountered?
    They were rude , obnoxious and very aggressive
    in getting what they want , regardless if you
    were there first.

  23. They don’t adjust and they didn’t prosper. They drag down the educational experience of everyone around them. Deport them.


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