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Thursday, November 28, 2019

President Trump’s Broward County Florida ‘Homecoming Rally’ – 1 in 4 Attendees were Democrats!

President Donald Trump held a “Homecoming Rally” in Sunrise, Florida on Tuesday night.

It was another HIGH ENERGY rally.

Following the rally last night Trump 2020 Campaign Manager Brad Parscale posted this on the attendees.
This ought to keep the radical socialists running the Democrat Party up late at night!

24% of the crowd was Democrat and 27% of the crowd was Hispanic.



  1. These percentages do not surprise me. Not all Democrats and Hispanics are dumb... just a very high percent is..

  2. Just give it to him. It's in the bag anyway.

  3. He's right. Making America great again

  4. People are tired of Democrats and their bigotry

  5. One thing is for sure, MSM will be hard pressed to flip the script/narrative and without the Clinton’s involved paying off Russian and Ukrainian sources, I predict a real blood bath for the Democrats at the polls in November. Every tactic and dirty trick was employed, yet here we are three years later, with many campaign promises fulfilled, and those that are not are due to the ‘resistance’ who pride themselves in one failure after another, and no accomplishments to lay claim to during the election.

  6. Why do politicians hate a non-politican - one would ask? I feel it is because a politician is use to kick backs, perks, dirty deals that benefit them, and mostly the power over how to spend taxpayers money without their approval. Their are non-politicans who only want power and envy President Trump's success and feel they can do better such as Billionaire Bloomberg.


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