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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Trump surprises troops in Afghanistan on Thanksgiving

President Trump surprised American troops in Afghanistan on Thanksgiving after leaving his Florida residence overnight.

He visited Bagram Air Base on Thursday, delivering Thanksgiving greetings to U.S. troops deployed there in America’s longest-running war. This is Trump’s second visit to a combat zone. He previously visited troops in Iraq the day after Christmas in 2018.

In the president's address to the troops, he announced renewed peace talks between the United States and the Taliban, claiming the Taliban wants "to make a deal."



  1. We are living a crucial part in American history...

    The deep State has been exposed, and our President Trump displays his patriotism daily

  2. November 29, 2019 at 5:35 AM:

    Hear, hear. And spot on.

  3. What a Commander-in-Chief! He loves this country and the troops that serve it. It's what every CIC should be like.


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