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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Elijah Cummings' family split over who should run for his seat as his daughters refuse to endorse their stepmother and back his longtime assistant instead

The late Rep. Elijah Cummings' daughters are backing his longtime aide Harry Spikes in a crowded primary field to succeed him - and not the longtime lawmaker's widow.

Jennifer Cummings, 37, and her sister Adia, 25, both support Spikes, who served on Cummings' staff for more than a decade and who was defeated in a prior primary for the Maryland House of Delegates.

Cummings widow, Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, 48, is also seeking the seat, as is Cummings' predecessor, former Rep. Kweisi Mfume, who was one of his oldest friends and is a former leader of the NAACP.

All three of the candidates spoke at Cummings funeral in October, as did his two daughters.



  1. Here's a thought. How about getting someone who will actually do something for b'more. Instead of getting rich and fat off the taxpayers money ? Cummin'was a disgrace and a racist who sold his constituents down the river, all the while lining his pockets...

  2. 5:43 PM I am with you. Let's get an Honest Politician if they are still in this country. They are so few and far between anymore.

  3. I have an idea. Have an election.

  4. Not going to happen 5:43 & 7:19

  5. which ones the bigger thief?

  6. They all belong in prison

  7. It isn't his seat anymore, he's dead. The seat belongs to the people.

    Why do these dumbocrats think they are so entitled?

  8. How about NONE of them?!

  9. They want their crook in office.

  10. And now they will fight to see what crook replaces the dead crook.


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