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Thursday, November 21, 2019

'One of the toughest goodbyes': Tim Tebow mourns the death of his beloved dog, Bronco

Tim Tebow is grieving his beloved dog, Bronco, who died after spending nine loving years with the athlete.

Tebow bid farewell to Bronco in a wrenching Instagram post. He shared a video crying and cradling Bronco in his final moments.

"One of the toughest goodbyes," he wrote. "Wanted to make a special tribute to the sweetest boy ever — thank you for all the joy you brought and all the memories."



  1. I handed my dog to my vet to be put down.He was 17.I was distraught.There can't be anything emotionally worse than that.

  2. The reason it's so hard to put a dog down is that they trusted you from the day you got them to the day you put them down for the last time. In all that time they give you unconditional love. No judgement. and they are glad to see you every time you come home.
    No other thing comes even close to creating the bond between a man and his dog.
    I don't cry very often, but will cry a river when i have to say goodbye to my dog.

    1. 648 am

      you are so correct on your statement about a dogs love, faithfulness , and family member

  3. Very well said 6:48 AM; I think I still suffer from having to put down my first pet. I was 14 and her back was broken from being run over; she was not AKC by any stretch but she was as you say very trustful and faithful. I couldn't be part of "seeing her off" and still think of her often.

  4. 6:48...Love your words. So true.

  5. Kipling writes:

    Oh brothers and sisters,
    I bid you beware
    Of giving your heart
    to a dog to tear.

  6. They're the best and most loyal friend you'll
    ever have! Only an animal lover could ever understand
    the pain of losing them.

    Know that when it's time to let them go , you
    are giving them the last loving thing you can
    give them, and that is to no longer suffer .

    Some yrs. ago we had taken our dog to our Vet, Dr.
    E. Palmer, to have her put to sleep . I will never
    forget what He told when I said to him," This has to
    be the hardest part of your job."His reply , " Not really,
    I know it's the last thing I can do to help them. "
    I don't think he realize how much those words helped me !

    Although the pain is still there when you have to let
    them go , you know you have done what is right , in your heart
    for your beloved friend . ew

  7. It's hard. My Lab lasted 12 years and died a day later. STILL MISS MY BUDDY. The look he gave me before he closed his eyes is GUTWRENCHING. I LOVED THAT DOG.

  8. I often wonder why dogs can't live as long as humans. At least 30 year's. It seems you get them for the kids. All through grade school, High School, and college. Vacations. Everything. Then when everyone has gone and it's just you and him. They Die.


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