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Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to Disunite America

This week, Chick-fil-A, the immensely popular Christian-owned chicken sandwich giant, caved to the cultural left.

For years, the left targeted Chick-fil-A, dating back to the 2012 revelation that Chairman and CEO Dan Cathy supports traditional marriage—and, horror of horrors, that charities given donations by Chick-fil-A support traditional marriage.

This prompted paroxysms of outrage in the media, who quickly demanded that Chick-fil-A toe the Democrat Party line, despite the fact that then-President Barack Obama did not officially endorse same-sex marriage until May 2012.

The rage of the cultural left led to unsuccessful boycotts—Chick-fil-A’s business expanded from $1 billion in 2001 to $5 billion in 2013 to $10.5 billion today—but successful hijackings of local government. When the cultural left can’t achieve what it wants through public mobilization, it simply uses the power of government to blackmail those it dislikes.

So, despite the fact that Chick-fil-A had never discriminated against gay customers—it would sell a chicken sandwich to anyone—then-Boston Mayor Thomas Menino promised to ban the franchise from the city. Then-Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel quickly followed suit, pledging to support an alderman’s plan to block Chick-fil-A from opening a restaurant at Chicago O’Hare Airport.

San Antonio recently blocked Chick-fil-A from opening a restaurant at its airport, and the airport in Buffalo, New York, followed suit. San Jose, California, pledged not to renew Chick-fil-A’s lease when it ran out.

More here


  1. The left is sick and knows no bounds...

  2. Luciferians are a determined bunch.

  3. So now we go out of our way to support the Salvation Army. Remember when Cracker Barrel removed all the Duck Dynasty items from their country stores when a few protested? Many more regular Cracker Barrel patrons protested their move and they quickly apologized to their base and returned the merchandise to their shelves. Lesson learned.

  4. So sad that our country continues to acquiesce to these minorities. What the he!! more does LGBTQ want? Or the atheists for that matter? We have truly lost our moral compass and assumed a radical view of the world. Again, so sad.

  5. Leave it to liberals to criminalize a chicken sandwich.

  6. Slow down there.

    So, it's TOTES o.k. for Chick Fil-A to donate money to organizations and politicians who lobby on anti-gay legislation, actively oppose gay marriage and work to thwart it, and engage in debunked and damaging gay conversion therapy.

    THAT kind of meddling in the government is totes o.k.

    But a local Government entity of elected officials, elected by their constituates, likely given money by companies (like Chick Fil-A) and given money by their voters, decides that because of Chick Fil-A's political affiliation it doesn't want them in their town BECAUSE of said political meddling...

    That kind of meddling is bad.

    You can't have it both ways. If they want to take a stand and make political statements they need to own it.

  7. I have a jar full of change and I am going to give it to the Salvation Army.

  8. @ November 22, 2019 at 7:42 AM

    You asked what atheists want? I can't speak for all of us but I can for me, and I'm not gay so I can't answer that either.

    I want you to have your protected religious liberty and freedom, and I will defend that for you. That freedom ends with you though. Your religion says something, YOU get to follow it. Forcing your religious beliefs on other is NOT religious liberty or freedom.

    I want you to have your religious conscience and not be forced by the government to do anything you don't want. That said, if you take a job as a bar tender, you can't refuse to serve drinks with alcohol because it's against your religion... you get to not be a bar tender anymore.

    What I don't want is you legislating your religion on the rest of us.

    I don't want to be forced to participate in your religious rituals. I don't want it to be compulsory to have to participate in your prayers to take part in a public discourse. You forcing your religious practice on others is NOT religious freedom... it's tyranny.

    I want religious folks to respect the idea of appropriate time and place. You can't stand up in a movie theater, during the movie and have a call to prayer.... and when you are removed pretend it's violating your religious liberty. Time and place. Respect it, and others.

    I want to not have to pretend to be religious to get or keep a job. I want religious people to stop telling me they are the ones being persecuted. Live like an atheist for a year, and when people won't let their kids play with yours because they don't understand what an atheist is and then tell me about persecution.

    I want religious folks to stop misrepresenting atheists, and lying about us having no morals, or just wanting to be our own gods. So often I hear absolute misrepresentation and fabrications of what atheist are or believe, and they are just parroting bad propaganda. Want to know what an atheist thinks of believes, how about asking one.

    I'd like you to stop pretending anyone stole the Christ out of Christmas. Merry Christmas is what I say.. the way we celebrate this holiday that Christians co-opted from pagans has very little to do with your religion. I don't care if there is a creche displayed places, and neither does the Supreme Court as long as it's not the focal point and other religions are allowed to. I have grown up viewing that display as a Christmas display, I'm not offended by it. Stop with all the fake outrage and trying to force your religion on the rest of us.

    I want people to stop using "militant" atheist as a thing. It's absurd and doesn't represent anyone. Same thing as when atheists point out religious folks trying to force their religion into where it doesn't belong that we must be "offended". It's not about being offended, it's about religious folks overstepping and encroaching on others rights.

  9. The binary equation (LBTQ) = 1+1=0 with 1 to carry

  10. When you sell your soul. You're just like everyone else. STUPID!!

  11. Calm down everybody, it's a fast food restaurant. I don't guage my life morals according to them.

  12. "disunite," never heard of the word. The proper word is separate.


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