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Thursday, November 21, 2019

"It's Kind Of Despicable": Chicago Is Rigging Red Light Cameras To Rack Up Millions In Fines

It appears as though someone figured out that red light cameras could rack up tons more in fines if the number of times a light changes to red increases. This has led to nefariously shorter green lights in certain areas of Chicago.

Intersections where drivers are issued hundreds of thousands of dollars in tickets have been unfairly racked up, according to ABC's investigative reporting team. The team timed traffic lights at intersections where cameras were present and found that drivers had less time to legally get through intersections in directions where cameras where watching.

In once case, yellow and green lights were only 20 seconds - combined.

The city - which has been in a perpetual state of financial peril thanks to horrifying mismanagement of its pension liabilities - took in $35 million from the city's 300 red light cameras so far in 2019.

Kevin O'Malley, managing deputy commissioner of the Chicago Department of Transportation, said: "We believe it improves traffic safety which in the end saves injuries and saves lives."



  1. You mean the police state is taking advantage of their powers and unfairly using them against the people all in the name of safety and security?

    How could that be possible after all that is one of the main reasons why our constitution was created wasnt it?

    Elected officials judicial system and police keep us nice and safe they are here just for our safety and they deserve our unwavering respect and should never be questioned.

    They are not here for taxing and money thats just ludicrous.

  2. Last year Salisbury racked up 1.2 million in fines, etc...

  3. What?

    Don’t like Statutory Laws?

  4. We have the 2nd amendment and it was enacted to protect us from the government.The bureaucrats and politicians may soon have something to worry about if they don't stop acting stupid.

  5. Try driving through Washington DC without getting a ticket mailed to you. It's damn near impossible to navigate through those city streets without getting a ticket, even if you are as alert as possible. They have red lights and cameras at intersections that are only 30-50 feet apart. Get through one, and they get you at the other. I hate driving through DC, but it is a necessary trip for me on occasion. Drive the same route every time, and have about a 50% ticket rate. That's even when I know the cameras are there! The tickets CAN'T be avoided. I wonder how the hell anybody can live there and afford to drive.

  6. Northwest Woodsman: For Chicago, the only result will be thousands of warrants for failure to pay and failure to appear. The driving public in Chicago are most likely to have expired or unregistered plates or the vehicle being driven is stolen and they most likely do not have a valid drivers license. How do those brilliant city officials intend to enforce those laws?

  7. If they are manipulating the timing of the lights so more people are running red lights how does that make things safer?

  8. A guy I used to work with told me he timed the lights on 13 in Delaware and that the ones with cameras had a much shorter yellow light than the others.

  9. No doubt in my mind 604


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