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Sunday, November 03, 2019

MS-13 Gang Threatens ‘Retaliation’ at High School

A Maryland school located in a sanctuary county needed extra security on campus this week after being threatened with “retaliation” by the violent El Salvador-based MS-13 Gang, according to officials.

The Albert Einstein High School in Montgomery County, Maryland — a sanctuary county that shields illegal alien criminals from deportation — was forced to increase security this week after authorities said the violent MS-13 Gang made credible threats of “retaliation.”

Police said the retaliation threat by MS-13 gang members was in relation to an incident last week, though they would not provide details on the incident.

Montgomery County has been plagued with illegal alien crime in recent months. As Breitbart News has reported, a total of nine illegal aliens were arrested and charged with sex crimes — some against children — over the course of just two months. The most recent case included the arrest of a 23-year-old illegal alien who was charged with raping an intoxicated woman.



  1. Demoncraps - put safety on illegals over their own citizens for new votes. THIS has always been and always will. WHEN will USA wake up and realize DEMONCRAPS only care about themselves?

  2. Way to go Montgomery County. You libtards are real patriots and geniuses.

  3. Because everyone needs a cheap whore that is why they allow these illegals to thrive in sanctuary cities

  4. Ain’t illegal immigration grand

  5. Montgomery County welcomes illegal aliens and doesn't work with ICE. This is the result.

  6. Democrats run everything in that county.I grew up there in Bethesda but you couldn't pay me to live there now.

  7. Take matters into your own hands and do not depend on the officials in that county, their corruption runs deep. Arm up my friends and do their job for them

  8. When you allow the third world savages into the country unvetted there are consequences. How would you like these folks as neighbors? I worked for a large, family owned poultry company based in Salisbury and had one worker wearing an El Chapo tribute shirt. You can't make this stuff up. They are here, illegal and very dangerous.

  9. Give thanks to HOGAN, MILLER, BUSCH (deceased) and all the liberal Democrats in Annapolis

  10. Take OUT all gang members by special forces / seals / army

    1. Vigilantes could get it done like Mr Inbetween

  11. Yet we continue to vote these libutards into office. Don't worry. It's already beginning to happen in Wicomico county. Don't know about you. But I've seen a large increase of South America in the area over the last couple of years.

  12. Northwest Woodsman: Does anyone think that Marxist democrat policies regarding allowing these creatures into the country and then treating them as a protected class is going to good for your neighborhoods and schools. There is already enough evidence to show that most of these invaders are dangerous and if you think they will all of the sudden will turn into good citizens with just a little love and encouragement, you need a dose of reality. Take a few into your lib homes or go live in one of the neighborhoods where they have conquered and occupied. Unless you are truly insane, I guarantee your attitudes will change. It is always the ones with little or no contact that have most favorable attitudes towards this dangerous and threatening element.

  13. Northwest Woodsman: I agree with 5:58. Vigilantes probably will be the ultimate solution. Inept and fearful politicians who pander to every Marxist whim set on destroying our historical symbols, heritage and culture, are not about to face these issues head on and will continue to dance around all of these issues that are destroying our country and our way of life. There is a war on our culture and it is going to get worse as these cultural marxists succeed in each planned and programmed incremental steps toward their goals. They have infiltrated every aspect of our lives including local government all the way to the federal level and beyond. Those of us who follow this situation and are aware, must try and alert Joe Sixpack, the football fanatic of the dangers and gain their support for what ultimately will be bloodshed in the streets primarily on a local level. It has already begun with Antifa attacks on conservative rally’s. Expect more violence by these people and prepare to defend yourselves and your way of life for the law enforcement authorities are under the control of the marxists and will either stand down and offer no protection or will attack you. Rough times ahead so wake up now.

  14. until something happens to a democrats family they will keep letting them in and coddling them. pelosi is the head of this crap. These gangs will not be stopped until the Democrats stop this crap

  15. call Trump he will DEPORT the damn gangsters !!!!

  16. Remember when you vote Democrat this is the nonsense you support.


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