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Sunday, November 03, 2019

King Speaks to the People, And the People Answer

An Email Mr. King received:

Mr. King,
While I do not live in Salisbury and reside in Delaware, I do manage a business in Salisbury. I wanted to thank you for bringing up in your debate about the Salisbury Police. We call about shoplifting in Salisbury, but when we do call we feel like we as a business are the bad guys for calling. Too often we are given the third degree and treated like we were the ones committing a crime by calling. And when we do get a response it feels like a shoulder shrug. Most of the time we don't even bother to call anymore because it's more a hassle than anything. You can see you understand the residents and businesses of Salisbury completely. Please keep up the good work and I personally support your mayoral run, and will convey that message.

Thanks for your support. Hopefully, help is on the way. Let's get out the vote!

Hang in there,


  1. I want to meet The King as I call him .... there are so many issues that I feel in my heart he will respond to and I understand... things that would not cost tax payers anything ... things for the youth and so forth that I just feel he would agree with and support and make happen.....Mr. King I pray for you everyday

  2. Uh, wait a minute, the Salisbury police dept has to show up at every, I repeat, every call. So try again to get some $hit started.

  3. 7:15
    Please tell me where it says the police DON'T show up? Read it again.


  4. Anonymous said...
    Uh, wait a minute, the Salisbury police dept has to show up at every, I repeat, every call. So try again to get some $hit started.
    October 27, 2019 at 7:15 PM

    Are YOU one of those cops?

  5. I'm voting for Wayne because our streets remind me of a 3rd world country.

    1. The surface of the moon, surrounded by third world-urbia.

  6. October 27, 2019 at 6:18 PM

    It is not the community's job to provide the youth with entertainment. We entertained ourselves and managed not to grow up to be criminals.

    Didn't the taxpayers just pay for more community centers? What more do you people want.
    Beyond ridiculous.
    Signed, pay for your own children, taxpayer.

  7. Public safety for the entire city isn’t a priority. No embracing technology, customer service, etc.

  8. People, please vote for King, and not Boi wonder

  9. “And when we do get a response it feels like a shoulder shrug.”
    This attitude from the SPD was one of the two reasons we moved out of Salisbury. (The other being the schools.) We experienced at least four situations when SPD shrugged their shoulders. They lied to us about the inability to charge someone with public drunkenness or even disturbing the peace. Also, I once tried to share information about a stabbing murder and never received a return call.
    Those are just two examples of some superior shoulder shrugging, and I know there are worse situations in neighborhoods all around Salisbury.
    Even though I no longer live within the City of Salisbury, I hope Mayor King can do something about this and other problems. Unfortunately, all of Wicomico County suffers a little when SPD is allowed to be run poorly.

  10. just like the shooting call at Walmart, the city didn't do anything with it and by the time the suspect vehicle was stopped, it was by the county.
    So many of these crimes are committed by city residents just one block outside of city jurisdiction, or the official crime gets down reported so it looks like small potatoes, or it's just plan handled by the county or state because of where the city believes the "crime" happened.
    Make NO mistakes about it - the city and or its population are the source of much of the crime around here.
    I think it would only be fare for the county and state to charge the city a service call for every city crime response, arrest, or report it files that involves a city resident.

  11. Come on NOW. The fix is in. King is an outsider. PERIOD. DAY WINS UNFORTUNATELY.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Come on NOW. The fix is in. King is an outsider. PERIOD. DAY WINS UNFORTUNATELY.

    October 28, 2019 at 6:26 PM

    Don't count on it, Dumb A$$!!

  13. If you live in the City of Salisbury and you think you may not be able to make it to the polls on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, you can go to the Wicomico County Board of Elections on Snow Hill Rd. to vote for Wayne King. They will allow you to fill out an absentee ballot to vote and put it in a sealed envelope. That way you can assure that your vote counts.

    Today, Friday, Nov. 1, is the last day to vote by absentee ballot so please go vote if there is a chance you won't be able to vote on Tuesday.


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