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Sunday, November 03, 2019

Pelosi: 'It's Not an Impeachment Resolution'

As we noted yesterday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s real impeachment gambit is to keep President Donald Trump under a cloud of investigation while putting Senate Republicans on the spot in 2020 for defending him. Thursday’s scheduled vote on the now-released resolution on impeachment is all about controlling the narrative — which Pelosi inadvertently admitted by telling a reporter, “It’s not an impeachment resolution.”

House Majority Steny Hoyer said the same thing: “This is not an impeachment resolution. I don’t know what an impeachment resolution is.”

If “it’s not an impeachment resolution,” what is it?

Well, it’s an effort to “address” Republican complaints about an opaque process by setting certain public rules about hearings. But it’s also literally a “keep doing what you’re doing” directive to Democrats:

More here


  1. Democrooks can not run an honest impeachment because there are no honest democrats. Liars cheaters thieves and murderers

  2. Yes, lets embrace this disdain for political hypocrisy/deception/lies and condemn if for what it is, and work to oust any politician engaged in this tomfoolery.

    This shouldn't be a partisan issue... when blatant hypocrisy is unveiled all people should stand together!

    Pelosi and Mcconnel have got to go!

    Oh, you don't recall Mcconnel blocking a Supreme Court nominee because it was an Obama pick and he would be leaving office, but then later literally admitting he would push through a Trump pick if the same situation arises?

    Wait what? Now because it's YOUR team playing politics, it's o.k.... when the other side does it you condemn it.

    See... THAT'S the problem. No consistency. If we are going to end this quagmire... accountability will will have to be without partisan skew.

    For the record... I think both these criminal crooked shysters should be outed.

  3. Everyone pelosi has been saying that she has dirt on the clintons and the list is a mile high. Spread the word so she can get that info out and reap the benefits of having such info. Like asap...

  4. It's about satisfying the crybaby republicans who said there was never a House vote. Now that their is one they can't hide behind their shadow rules anymore.

    1. The communist Democratic party is the hiding behind shadow rules, trying to stay behind closed doors, hiding behind a whistle blower who they say they dont need who worked under Obama and biden. Then not allowing certain questions to be asked of witnesses. Go act like a shadow and hide behind your chain curtain. Commie

  5. The House sets the rules.

  6. They can pull this impeachment nonsense all day long but God is in control and He will continue to punish the democrats all of whom are very evil people Lying piece of garbage Cummings in now spending his eternity burning in hell and God will not stop at him. All democrats will suffer and all will go to hell The only thing they have to look forward to is seeing their nasty family members in hell like their parents their wives husbands because good people are not ever democrats. God hates all democrats stand for and He will punish. Look at the democrats strongholds of the inner cities for proof. All the crime and poverty is punishment from God to a very evil people who deserve every single bad thing that happens to them. They can lie and claim to be Christians but God sees and God hates liars and hypocrites and that is why He will keep on punishing putrid people. l

  7. libbies must be stopped at all cost. They are destroying America. God Bless President Trump...

  8. Civil war is coming.

  9. @ October 31, 2019 at 8:51 AM

    Where to begin?

    If God were in control then Obama is his doing. Did that ever occur to you. Hilter and Stalin and Mao were too for that matter.

    When most democrats are Christians, how does this punish them thing work?

    You know that Cummings is in Hell? You know the mind of God... isn't it a sin to claim to know the mind of God? All democrats will go to hell? How is this when most of them are Christian, you make no sense!

    God Hates all Democrats? But, how if he is in control he is the reason they are democrats... and, I thought God was Love, and that he loved us all?

    I think you should relax a bit, turn off the news entertainment media that is clearly poisoning you, and really get to Church and pray for some serious guidance.

    1. Go ahead and hide behind religion commie. I'd bet more illeagles, dead people and Muslims vote democrat than christians. You see christians don't believe in murdering over a million babies a year. See ya commie

  10. @ October 31, 2019 at 10:48 AM

    I'm so sick of seeing this from you keyboard warriors.

    How about actually engaging in the conversation with some actual ideas or substance?

    1. Not sure who you are referring to but I refuse to bring any conversation to the lying commucrats. Keep your doctor and kill more babies commie

    2. 11:18 Its kinda hard to have a conversation with brainwashed peoplešŸ¤·‍♀️ And I hate to tell you junior but if they impeach this President I can guarantee you there will be a civil war. Unfortunately for you I have a feeling you’ll be on the wrong side.

  11. Per Trump ,..now i guess he will be releasing all of the information that the Dems have asked for

  12. @ October 31, 2019 at 3:36 PM

    I agree, it IS hard to have a conversation with brainwashed people. And I hate to tell you junior, all your puffed up keyboard warrior bravado makes you sound really silly.

    No one will be revolting or "civil warring".

    May be you don't understand how impeaching works, but it will take not only a vote in the House, but also the Senate... which is GOP controlled. Unless some pretty damning evidence is produced, Trump won't get impeached. Is he guilty of what they are accusing him of? Probably. Is he a liar, and a self absorbed pompous self interested cheat? Probably.

    Is he getting impeached? Absolutely not. If he DID, it would mean all of the GOP would have to turn on him... and if they DID, it would mean he was dead to rights guilty of high crimes against America.

    So, you would then go to war, Civil War, for a treasonous criminal? See how silly that sounds? Not really something a patriot would do, is it?

    Back to the drawing board junior. You really need to stop consuming all the right wing propaganda news entertainment media.... it's rotting your better senses, and it is doing the brainwashing.

  13. It's a Get Rid of Demon-crats SOLUTION !!!!


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