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Sunday, November 03, 2019

A Viewer Writes......Fake calls


There is a telemarketer ( toll free number ) that calls your cell phone and leaves a message as noted below.

"your social security number has been compromised, and if don't return the call, you'll be arrested" ...
I'm advising folks these knuckleheads just want you to give them your social security no.


local readers 

No one's canceling your social security number. IRS sends scam warning


  1. I get a couple of calls per week

  2. Remember when Elizabeth Warren said she was going to stop all the scammers? Typical all talk no action Democrat.

  3. Answer those calls with "Special Agent Smith speaking. This line is being recorded." They immediately hang up.

  4. This has been going over a year. Same message from lots of different numbers. however I just spoke with them about a hour ago and Patricia kept saying my social of 8675309 was invalid???

  5. I just got that message 10 minutes ago on my cell phone. I looked it up. It's from a call center in Pakistan. Wish there was a way to find these people and lock the up!

  6. Social Security Administration never calls you.
    You have to go to their office and take a number and wait to be seen

  7. Just think?! Who falls for a scam like this?! Especially in 2019?? I get them all the time. Delete, delete, delete. Block, block, block. So easy A CAVE MAN CAN DO IT.

    1. Oh thanks 431

      love ya brother...

      .but, Joe site is a way to relay information to one another...

      Some folks just need a casual reminder from time to time...

      but, your input is noted brother

  8. I appreciate your trying to be a nice person and share this information.

  9. I put the phone number in google and will tell you who it is.

  10. Answer “this is Morpheus and you are in the matrix.

  11. Other scam calls include "you missed jury duty and pay fee to avoid arrest".."your son/daughter arrested, pay us for bond".."your bank/phone etc. account compromised, give your password/code to verify".. these dirtbags should be publicly shot for scamming people, especially when victim is elderly....a few public executions might stop some of them...

  12. Anyone naive enough to fall for these kinds of calls deserve what they get. Use some common sense.

    1. 1012 am.....great point

      but Mark Twain once said

      "common sense ain't too common "


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