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Sunday, November 10, 2019

Town Of Pittsville Election Results

**Sean McHugh 150

**Bethany Miller 143

Jared Schablein 80

Ivory Smith 58 

Sean Mc Hugh and Bethany Miller are the winners in the election for Pittsville Town Commissioners. 


  1. Does anyone know what the position pays?

    1. Ivory glares at people walking the neighborhood and neighbors near by. They were not friendly when they moved in down the street. We never see him or family at town activities or Fire Dept. or supporting Pittsville businesses ever. So why does he think he should represent us when he has nothing to do with us. He represents (his) people all the time. We are obviously not (his) people. Don’t know why he moved to Pittsville he is not part of OUR community by his own choice. Wants all the benefits of living in OUR safe clean town without thugs and violence but acts like he is too good for us poor white folk. Never getting our votes unless we join the naacp which haha is not happening.

  2. Schablein a socialist/communist..glad he didn't win.

    1. Yeah but look at the 80 that voted ????????

    2. There are 80 commies living in your town /.

    3. Not MY town...I just know what he is...his brother the same.

    4. 6:36 And mommy and daddy too.

  3. Hope Pittsville was smarter than Salisbury!

  4. Is Ivory Smith involved in the Battle for the Water Bottles?

    1. He took his ball I mean bottles and went home.

  5. Both Bethany and McHugh each got more votes than Jared and Ivory combined. Landslide!!

  6. Anonymous said...
    Hope Pittsville was smarter than Salisbury!

    November 5, 2019 at 11:42 PM

    They were.

  7. How can Ivory Smith be the President of the Worcester County NAACP but claims he lives in Pittsville??

    1. There’s apparently no residency requirements for naacp.

  8. All you had to do is read the comments by Jared & Ivory’s supporters to know who not to vote for.

    Their nasty mouthed supporters cost them both. If it weren’t for them the results would have been a lil different. They would still lose but maybe not by the embarrassing huge margin. Lesson guys: if your supporters are nasty and spew hate all the time maybe you need to rethink who you pal around with.

  9. Dittos 9:41 He is a communist heretic and a menace to American values and decency.

  10. F U Jared! Who wants to go to pittsvile for pizza . You’ll be out of business soon enough. Fake Day used you and you got played like a fiddle.

    1. HOW could ANY Business support a liberal commie socialist mayor.?

  11. Anonymous said...
    Does anyone know what the position pays?

    November 5, 2019 at 9:32 PM

    Yes, not enough

  12. Anonymous said...
    Is Ivory Smith involved in the Battle for the Water Bottles?

    November 6, 2019 at 12:53 AM

    Please explain?

    From what I am hearing he took cases of bottles home with him the he and Jared Schablein were supposed to be giving to Pittsville residents during that water crisis and the both kept the water for themselves. Bunch of damn theives. That is why they lost my votes.

  13. Anonymous said...
    All you had to do is read the comments by Jared & Ivory’s supporters to know who not to vote for.

    Their nasty mouthed supporters cost them both. If it weren’t for them the results would have been a lil different. They would still lose but maybe not by the embarrassing huge margin. Lesson guys: if your supporters are nasty and spew hate all the time maybe you need to rethink who you pal around with.

    November 6, 2019 at 4:17 AM

    That's the way the little Progressive punks are. Jared and his rabid followers were the same way in the Gubernatorial election attacking Hogan, Harris and Republican County officials. That is why the entire Lower Shore Progressive Caucus candidates lost their races in 2018! Buh Bye Butt Munch! Go back to your mommies basement!

  14. Anonymous said...
    He took his ball I mean bottles and went home.

    November 6, 2019 at 4:01 AM

    BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! Jared and Ivory stole donated bottles of water that were supposed to be donated to the same citizens they expected to vote for them.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Both Bethany and McHugh each got more votes than Jared and Ivory combined. Landslide!!

    November 6, 2019 at 4:06 AM

    Exactly! Almost double what their opponents got! I laughed my a$$ off when I saw that.

  16. Pittsville residents stand by, Jared and Ivory plan on running in 2 years. Be smart and send them packing.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Does anyone know what the position pays?

    November 5, 2019 at 9:32 PM

    $50 a meeting. Not nearly enough.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Not MY town...I just know what he is...his brother the same.

    November 6, 2019 at 6:36 AM

    If you are talking about Jared, his dad and he were dangerous when my kid was in the Boy Scouts. I kept hearing how they were violating some of the scouts. I reported it and the BSA did absolutely nothing. There was a ranking deputy who had some involvement in it as well. Robinson is a rabid follower of the Shableins and Jake Day. I have lost my faith in Mike Lewis, Robinson and the Sheriff's Department.

    I hope Mr. Culver rips the Sheriff's Office a new one. Time to cut out all those new cars and get rid of those unneeded Harley motorcycles. Time to cut back on that new Taj Mahal of an office building on Naylor and 50.

  19. Anonymous said...
    How can Ivory Smith be the President of the Worcester County NAACP but claims he lives in Pittsville??

    November 6, 2019 at 4:14 AM

    That's a good question. If every county has its own chapter of the NAACP then how can a supposed resident of Pittsville/Wicomico County be the President? If he is, in fact, a resident of Wicomico County then he should go after Mary Ashanti's seat if he wants to be the President. I don't like either one of them lying, racist fools. Has anyone noticed how corrupt the NAACP is and always was?

  20. Anonymous said...
    $75 per day

    November 6, 2019 at 4:01 AM

    No, it's $50 per meeting.

  21. Anonymous said...
    F U Jared! Who wants to go to pittsvile for pizza . You’ll be out of business soon enough. Fake Day used you and you got played like a fiddle.

    November 6, 2019 at 8:43 AM

    What is the story on the pizza business? And you are correct that Jake Day used Jared like a fiddle. Jake is good a bull$hitting people and sucking them in. He pretends he is a good listener and acts like he likes who he is talking too. I guess people are gullible and fall for that crap. Jim Mathias was the same way. They both give good politicians a bad name.

  22. Anonymous said...
    6:36 And mommy and daddy too.

    November 6, 2019 at 9:46 AM

    Name names, please.

  23. The only reason Jared "Shabby " ran was because his mommy told him he had to get a job and quit freeloading off her. The reason he's lived in Pittsville for so long is because he is still living at his mommy's house. He can't get a place of his own but he thinks he can be a town councilman. Him and Semen Benns.

  24. Anonymous said...
    The only reason Jared "Shabby " ran was because his mommy told him he had to get a job and quit freeloading off her. The reason he's lived in Pittsville for so long is because he is still living at his mommy's house. He can't get a place of his own but he thinks he can be a town councilman. Him and Semen Benns.

    November 6, 2019 at 3:44 PM

    "Semen Benns" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! What a Douche Bag. I saw him at the Pittsville Town Hall Forum supporting Shabby. That fat slob is barely 18 years old and fat and bald. How did Jake Day find a shirt large enough to fit him?

    1. Poor Shabby and Semen have nothing else to do.

    2. Jared isn’t fat and bald. ??

  25. I saw a picture of Jared Schablein at Jake Day's victory party and Jake Day was thanking him for helping out on his campaign. He failed to mention that Shabby lost his second attempt at getting elected by the people. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    1. Give the kid a break, man. He just turned 21.

  26. Somebody needs to teach Jared you gotta walk before you can run.

    1. Like stand on your own two feet first!

  27. Anonymous said...
    Not MY town...I just know what he is...his brother the same.

    November 6, 2019 at 6:36 AM

    What is he and what is his brother?

  28. Anonymous said...
    Somebody needs to teach Jared you gotta walk before you can run.

    November 10, 2019 at 5:42 PM

    You can't teach that idiot. He thinks he knows everything already.


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