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Sunday, November 17, 2019



I went to Regal movies with my family the other day popcorn was $8, Soda $6.75 Movie $13 For ONE .. Movie theaters are taking a big hit because of Liberal snowflake Hollywood , It's bottom so bad that Even REGAL is now offering a UNLIMITED MOVIE viewing for $25 .... There will be no such thing as a movie theater in 10/15 yrs ... THANK A DEMOCRAT AND LIBERAL HOLLYWOOD.


  1. I feel that way myself. They have no talent now, none! All the talent, and the ones who knew what America like to watch is gone. It's all pc, and agenda driven. Buy a nice tv and stay home.

  2. Plus you dont even buy tickets at the desk anymore. You have to go to the concession register to buy tickets

  3. It’s outrageous! When I was a teenager you could go to a triple feature for 85 cents, popcorn cost a nickel!! You could get a soda pop for a dime, and little Shirley did hand jobs for twenty-five cents!!! Those were the days!!!

    1. In my day, we walked 10 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel!! We didn’t have any stinkin remotes.

  4. Ok. I'm not saying you're wrong but explain this to me. Movies in theaters have been expensive for a long time.

  5. It's not just the movie theaters. I went to Five Guys a few days ago. Hadn't been for a couple years. A burger was almost ten bucks! A soda was $3! A small french fry was almost $4! That's more than a rib-eye dinner at the Texas Roadhouse! We're talking burger fries and a soda. Just imagine where it's going to be in a couple years! No thank you, I'll stay home and Fry up my own burgers and watch movies on my own flat screen.

  6. I'm trying to make a connection between liberal Hollywood and high priced popcorn.
    Not sure I understand your point. Yes, Hollywood is full of liberals. Yes, refreshments have always been overpriced at theaters. Please connect the dots for us.

    1. The less good movies in the theater the higher the prices go up to make up the loss

  7. Easy Fix: Don't Buy

  8. Eat and drink before you go. Go to the matinees.

  9. Go to Marva theater in Pocomoke. $5

  10. Hollywood. Popcorn. You. Name 3 things that are gay...

  11. The commenters are complaining about the wrong corporation / industry, although Hollywood has always been an intelligence asset.

    The problem described is about PRICE INFLATION which resulted as a by-product of currency inflation. The Fed Bankers (who own Hollywood and most large corporations) have the legal right to PRINT US Dollars from nothing (thin air). That's right, they can legally print currency and do so using them to purchase US Bonds which pay an interest over time. They are the Debt-Lords of the US Government and most modern Governments worldwide. The international banking families are in fact the private, secret owners of all modern Central Banks including the Fed, ECB, IBS, BOJ, HKCB, so on.

    Prices are rising because there is too much currency in circulation. Ditto for wage increases (finally) and commodity prices such as Oil, Corn, Wheat, Lumber, Coal, so on.

    Thank you

  12. Sam's sell tickets cheaper. You can use them anytime of day. Saves about 4.00 a ticket. I agree if you can't afford concessions eat before you go. Or put snacks in your dates purse. Everything is expensive today.

  13. I'm 83 years old and I grew up in San Jose Calif. At that time San Jose was a little smaller than Salisbury. For 30 cents we could catch the bus down town to the Victory theater.go to a double feature movie that also included a vaudeville stage show. The movie was 14 cents the bus was 5 cents each way and a candy bar was a nickle and still had a penny left over.Times sure have changed.

  14. We make a trip to the Dollar Tree before we go to a movie if you get my drift.

  15. DON"T TELL JAKE !!

    There a BIG BIG YUGE plans to build a movie theater downtown.

    And I am laughin. We all knew it was a stupid idea but you cant tell him anything because he knows it all. Even the state told him the roundabout was stupid but he is gonna build it anyways because he knows it all.

    Enjoy you 120+ million in debt ghettobury.

  16. Your paying employees $12.00 an hour here. $15.00 in other states. Obviously ticket prices go up with minimum wage.
    Just do like me. I haven't gone to a movie since they closed down the Boulevard in Salisbury in the early 1990's and it was $1.99 to get in.
    Just don't go. Any movie will make it to T.V. eventually. Not paying the high prices.
    Don't pay $10 for a burger or $4 for fries. eat home. Eventually places will have to reduce prices if people don't go there.
    The Shorebirds are just as bad price wise.
    Pick your poison as they say if you want to go out.

    1. @7:21- I already stated I will not pay 10 for a burger or $4 for fries! Your patronizing suggestions are moot. The author and myself already know the "solution." We are merely expressing the lunacy of the prices. Also, no. Those prices will never go down. Something superior will have to come along for that to happen. Ie, a better movie theater and a better burger joint.

  17. Do these fools not see the bigger picture it's stating Dems are destroying the movies bc of PC.

  18. Have totally boycotted Hollywood only watch simpsons and family guy.

  19. LiFT Church free at Regal Cinemas Sunday’s at 10 o’clock a.m.Check it out! second week of a series starts tomorrow. Get your popcorn and soda for free before you walk in!

  20. Move suck period.
    Liberal Hollywood and political correctness has destroyed the entertainment industry.

    If I want to enjoy a good movie, I watch Turner Classic movies or search my DVD library for old movies. I don't mind paying for the prices of concessions if the movie is good, but with the cost of this plus a sucky movie, I am better off having movie night at home.

    My entertainment system is just as good and I don't have to worry about assigned seating and crowds on a weekend. My hard earned money is better spent elsewhere!

  21. Why would anyone go to the movies these days in the first place. You can install good speakers and connect to tv for great sound, and watch movies and pop popcorn in the comfort of your own home. It has been many years since I have been to the movies and I do not miss it.

  22. Actually it’s as a result of streaming. Because you live in Salisbury where there is no fiber optic cable, you probably can’t stream HD. The rest of the country does have it and outlets like Netflix and Amazon Prime is making movie theaters obsolete. Much easier to avoid crowded theater and stay home to watch just released films, especially if you have have a 55+” TV. You can drink beer at home. You can eat filet mignon while watching the latest Chick flick. Why Schulp out to a movie theater?

  23. 1:47
    I agree with you. Twister was the last movie we saw in a theater. To be honest there really isn't anything worth watching anymore. A lot of the movies we have already seen the first time. They have run out of idea so now they are doing remakes. I can pause a movie, rewind a movie or finish it the next day when I watch it in the comfort of my own home.

  24. Movies= a great place to get shot.Id never attend on a holiday or weekend plus i don't wish to support the HOLLYWOOD LEFT WING WACKO BETTER THAN THOU ELITES.I find 90 % them disgusting and sickening.I attended one movie in the last 5 years--THE MULE --GOOD MOVIE!!!

  25. Early 50's--Ulman on main st IN SALISBURY- 20 cents tickets if 12 or under-pop corn 10 cents-mounds 10 cents -hershey bar and milky way 5 cents.serial movies like commando cody--also westerns like ROY ROGERS,HOP A LONG CASSIDY- GENE AUTRY--great saturday afternoons.

  26. The $25 unlimited plan is a pretty good deal even if you only commit to seeing 1 movie a week but even better if you want to spend an entire day watching movies when the weather is lousy like it has been.

  27. The jaw dropping level of stupid is astounding.

    So, high prices at movie theaters is some sort of liberal democrat kabaal? Do we just knee jerk reaction blame anything on libs without a shred of evidence?

    Theaters generally don't make a single dollar on the films they show for the first few weeks they show them. It all goes back to the distributor and film makers. Theaters DO make money off ticket sales even with this... but a huge portion of profits is made up from concessions, which keep ticket prices lower. People will see a movie that is not so great if the ticket price doesn't seem bad.

    More importantly, the prices are determined by WHAT THE MARKET WILL BEAR, IT'S CALLED CAPITALISM. Same thing with what kinds of movies being made. Hollywood wants to make money, ipso facto, it makes movies it thinks will make money.

    To somehow make this a talking point about "libs" is straight up stupid.

    To quote the great movie, Billy Madison:

    “Mr. Madison, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”

  28. It's not the money keeping me away, it's the thugs.


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