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Sunday, November 17, 2019

Supreme Court lets Sandy Hook families' lawsuit against gunmaker proceed

In an order released Tuesday, the Supreme Court allowed families of Sandy Hook victims to proceed with a lawsuit against gun manufacturer Remington Arms despite the company's claims that it was protected from liability by federal law.

Remington had petitioned the Supreme Court to reverse a March 2019 decision by the Connecticut Supreme Court, which ruled 4-3 that Remington could be sued under state law over its marketing practices, citing one of the few exemptions to the federal law.

The gunmaker argued that the state court's interpretation of the marketing exemption is, "intolerable given Congress's 'intention to create national uniformity'" with the federal law, the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. "As the dissenters below noted, lawsuits like this one are precisely the kind the PLCAA was enacted to prevent."




  1. Replies
    1. You are a straight up communist. You don't sue car manufacturers for bad drivers. You dont sue the food manufacturer when you burn your steak. You should sue the doctor who dropped you on your head and your teachers for turning out to be one special kind of stupid. See ya comrad

    2. and every car,knife,baseball bat manufacturer should be responsible for any death for which someone killed someone with such

    3. Hahaha, boy they baited you.

    4. Don't forget the alcohol distilleries and cell phone manufacturers

    5. At 5:09, who is going to sue the mass murdering pressure cooker makers?

    6. People need to be responsible and accountable for actions and mistakes they make. Thank the money hungry lawyers for all these childish lawsuits. They care nothing about the actual issues, only the outcome and millions in their own pockets. Their conscious is in their back pocket next to their ass.

  2. The dumbest thing I ever heard. Next it will be the car Maker's when you get run over. Or the food manufacturer when a restaurant undercooks your food. That JOHN Roberts is a piece of work.

  3. This is so wrong on so many levels, just another liberal idiot judge trying to put gun makers out of business.

    1. 603

      unfortunately, Obama and Sorros put the gun company's out of buisness 5 years ago...

      But , you are correct it's another way to take over the United States, and destroy us ..


  4. After killing his mother with a gun she owned the killer went on his spree. IIRC, he did not own a gun of any sort, and used ones his mother owned.

    On the surface, SCOTUS' decision sparks concern. But in rejecting Remington's request it sets the stage for a trial in Connecticut on the merits. Remington could win there, and if they lose they can follow an appellate path that could lead back to SCOTUS.

    SCOTUS doesn't jump into any fray that comes its way; it is selective in what it chooses to hear.

    1. Win in Connecticut? I don’t see it happening. Guns are gone in 3 to 6 years. Colt is focused on wheel guns again and that is a huge deal considering the half billion dollars they will lose. Sad.

    2. Colt does not dictate the future for any other manufacturer other than themselves. Guns will not be done in 3 to 6 years, but Colt might be. A wheel gun is still a gun and if that's what Colt wants to focus on, fine, but the majority of self defense buyers prefer a gun capable of holding more than 6 cartridges. Yes, they will lose profits due to poor decisions made by unqualified executives.

  5. IF you have common sense and critical thinking skills; you would NEVER agree with this...Bad Decision at best.

  6. Agree that this sounds absurd.

  7. great now we can go after ford gm and best of all the drug companies?

  8. This opens a can of worms. I guess now we can sue the fast food restaurants or make up companies if someone has an accident while eating or apply makeup while driving. All the cell phone companies can now be sued when someone is using a cell phone and gets in an accident. Think of all the lawsuits. Any company can be sued if their product is used for something other than what it was designed for.

  9. So can I sue Toyota if one runs into me.

  10. 8:59 p.m? Please tell me you aren't one of those conspiracy nuts spouting off that Sandy Hook never happened. If so, you have picked the wrong blog post site to make comments on.

    1. Well, that's like your opinion, man. This aggression will not stand. That rug really tied the room together.

  11. They advertised as a weapon that kills people ,. That is what got them

  12. You don't have enough ammo.

  13. Never happened. Show me the bodies. School long out of service. Bad acting.

  14. There are plenty of documentaries on line that prove Sandy Hook was a hoax. Tons of problems with the Psyop, and was probably meant to be exposed as a double Psyop! Enjoy the reading!

  15. 938 If trump loses ? 3 years all will be gone and a cartridge typically doesn’t hurt anyone. Usually what’s inside of it does... you should probably by some bullets and not just the cartridges or demand a refund. Thanks.

  16. I don't understand why they want money for their loss.They said money can never replace the children's lives so why are they fighting for money now?


  17. The automotive industry should be closed as soon as possible, cars are killing and maiming thousands of people monthly. the sooner we get them off the roads the safer we will be.
    We can destroy the cars and guns at the same time in the same melting pot

  18. 942 good comment and correct.

  19. Liberals were so worried about kavanah and for what? This is the biggest loss in the fight to protect guns since the writing of the amendment. DONT kid yourself guns will be gone. Leo will be the only ones allowed to own and they too will have major restrictions until theirs are gone. I can’t believe it. Oh well

  20. SCOTUS will hear the case and rule against the plaintiffs when it is appealed all the way up to them. For now, they are going to let it work its way through the lower courts.

  21. Sandy Hook was a government psyop. Not a single kid died and the killer does not exist. It is a photoshop created mesh of various people. This lawsuit is being allowed to push forward because of all the evidence that this was in fact a hoax and they are attempting to scare people into silence, from Alex Jones right down to the arms manufacturer. Google Robby Parker laughing and you'll have all the evidence you need.


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