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Sunday, October 13, 2019

What Happened At Salisbury Middle School Today? 10-10-19

Have you heard anything about what's going on at Salisbury Middle School? I hear there's been five or six fights today and the kids have been on lock down since before lunch. No one is allowed to move and the cops of been in and out of the school all day. Apparently there's more cops on the way now with sirens on. They were talking about a bomb threat, but with so many fights, no one knows if that is related- or sadly, just a normal amount of fighting in that zoo. Just wanted to know if you heard anything because I've got a kid over there and they're not telling him anything either – just to sit down and be quiet And not to move.

There has been absolutely no instruction all day. They have not gone about their normal class rotation. They have been in the same classroom most of the day, not learning.


  1. was there a robo call?

  2. Its was a pretty good school years ago and then during Obama's second term it started getting bad

  3. WCBOE? nothing? maybe someone needs to file under foia and get the numbers on how many incidents have happened under this board?
    Think they would fudge the numbers? naw!

  4. Message from principal modified lock down tomorrow. What does that mean? I am thinking of keeping my kid home. Time to send in the national guard. Unfortunately I think it will get worse before it gets better. Donna time to hold a community meeting for the parents . We have questions and you are hiding. Time to have a meeting with the pat in the cafeteria

  5. I do not care what I had to do, I would not have a child in the public school system.

  6. Please tell me why you still have your children in Public Schools. Actually you have NO good answer.

  7. Many assets deployed to the school, child life lined to hospital and nothing from local authorities, elected officials, media. Terrible. And things are getting worse with no end in sight of getting better.

  8. Multiple assets deployed, child life lined, multiple fights and nothing from elected officials, WBOE or local media to keep us all informed on what's going on in our community. Terrible. We have seen the degradation over the years published info or not..we all know this. But nothing being done to right the ship forward. Just another sweep it under the rug position.

  9. I thought John Williams would have had everything under control by now.

  10. Northwest Woodsman: The issue here is the failed integration system designed to secure black votes for Marxist democrats. Prove my premise wrong and change my mind.

  11. You guys are failing us!! The School system is broke..more money WILL NOT FIX IT. So i have a Blue collar solution.
    What we need is:
    To Throw off the chains of the FEDS dictates and state BOE Fat & BS..that should be first order of bussiness.
    Second-set ridgid core standards,shove common core where it belongs
    third-open reform schools back up.
    fourth-the state funds reform schools
    fifth-vouchers cover the schools that survive.
    Sixth- hold parents more accountable for the problem kids. Shaming always worked. Maybe we should bring that back.. Certainly trying not to hurt anybody's feelings is not working.

    A Vouchers system will direct TAX dollars to schools that produce results en force discipline and actually educate our children instead of indoctrinating them. Then some of the current indoc centers could be remodeled as reform schools which is basically what they are now anyway. 

    Vouchers could grow more local smaller functional education programs. 
    However I'm sure the powers to be will scream, cry, kick, resist any attempt by us to regain control of the education system. Maybe even grammer nazi my tirade...why? Because they are scared to lose control of the scam. 

    We can no longer stomach the staus quo. If it continues to be run by overpaid incompetent, PHD Tax sucking bureaucrats. Stealing dollars from the classrooms to pay fat useful idiots who dont realize their policies SUCK.

  12. This is all because children in the schools know there are zero consequences for their actions. ISS is a joke, the quiet rooms are as well. They need to be suspended out of school, and I personally do not care if they are roaming the streets. Then, maybe the kids who want to learn, can. This is not going to go away, it will get worse.

  13. You can thank teachers, administrators, school board,and teachers union. My wife and I worked 2 jobs each to send ours kids to any school other than Salisbury.

    1. The teacher’s hands are tied.

  14. But...but...but...they have a NEW attendance policy that every child and family is threatened with. If your child misses school, they receive a failing grade. When you force families to send children WHO DON’T WANT TO BE THERE...this is what you get. Additionally, you are forcing parents to send their children into an unsafe environment. If you are going to create a policy that punishes people for sending their children into an unsafe environment, you better do everything in your power to protect those children. The Board of Education is NOT keeping up their end of the deal. Expel them. As soon as you fight....you’re EXPELLED. No second chance. Funny they can threaten and send out all kinds of messages, from phony Paul Butler, about how you will be punished if you miss 5 days of school but they don’t use that same policy for the disruptive and violent predators that are masquerading as students. Disgusting.

  15. Grand kids were taken out of the public school system three years ago. Observations were kids were not punished for foul language or disrespect out of deference to ethnicity. The minority has become brash and emboldened and while stereotyped not all are "dumb" kids. It is a shame that those students who want to learn are exposed to violent and disruptive behavior of a few who don't give a crap and ultimately will be the dregs of society. Need to note there are ignorant Caucasians too.

  16. @ October 11, 2019 at 5:16 AM

    I'm with you until the vouchers. The vouchers would cause two problems. First, it's a cleverly disguised method of getting public school dollars into the hands of religious private schools... who quite frankly don't need the money. Religious organizations are FLUSH with tax free money. People who can afford to send their kids to these schools, all ready do. These vouchers would be used by people who can all ready afford to send their kids to these schools put that money back in their pockets at the expense of the tax payer. In no way does this help public schools.

    The second problem is that schools are funded by tax dollars, drawn from the community around it. There is a reason well to do area's have nicer safer schools and poor communities don't. We need to find a way to boost the poorer communities opportunity. Vouchers would simply make the bad schools worse. It again would not fix the problem.

  17. 8:44 poor kids who want an education would get vouchers also! paid my taxes to support the public schools while paying again to send my kids to private school. your argument is false and shows you are a part of the system/problem! what alternatives are available for those who are trapped in these failing community prisons?

  18. This may not impact everyone at the moment, but when these animals get older and have no job and decide to ramp up their criminal resume then it will. This needs to be stopped and it's time for all members of the community to demand Swift and harsh action.

  19. @ October 11, 2019 at 9:18 AM

    You outline the problem. You aren't making the school better, you are moving the child to a different school, further depressing the school they left from.

    You aren't helping the school system, nor the children that way.

    I AGREE with you it's a problem that if you pay for private school you also have to pay taxes for schooling. I think people who do this should get a tax break for it, but a community NEEDS schools. You aren't just investing in your child.. you are also investing in your community... so yes you should get a tax break, but not be free of your responsibility (for the record, I send my child to private school too)

    However, the larger issue here, which you missed, is that this is just a poorly disguised method to get public dollars into religious schools that are all ready flush with tax free money. They don't need this, and it helps not the public school system.

  20. I am a seventh grader in Salisbury middle school and we actually do the same things as we usually do, we still are doing our work and learning, the schedule is just weirder, so stop assuming that we aren’t learning and don’t call my school a zoo...

  21. My daughter got punched in the face in first grade by another student who had already been in trouble for bullying her and he said she told him to punch her in the face and they believed him , of course my daughter was afraid of him so she wouldn’t say anything to me about him not getting in trouble for it. That’s elementary school and I can see where the behavior gets escalated now...


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