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Sunday, October 13, 2019

Maryland panel votes to remove Confederate flag on plaque

Over the objections of Maryland House Speaker Adrienne A. Jones, the State House Trust has decided to amend, but not discard, a plaque that pays tribute to both Union and Confederate soldiers who served and died in the Civil War.

In one of her first actions after becoming speaker in May, Jones proposed removing the plaque at the State House because, she said, its authors sought to avoid what is history: “that there was a right side and a wrong side in the Civil War.”

Jones called it the “last Confederate vestige” at the State House and said the plaque "does not seek to correctly document history, but instead sympathizes with Confederate motivations and memorializes Confederate soldiers.”



  1. What do you expect..this is what communist do..erase past history.and MD is full bore democrat ..i.e communist

  2. Jones is just another racist idiot Maryland Democrat who does not represent all of Maryland. She knows nothing about history. Maryland was considered a Southern State during this time in history. Maryland is south of the Mason-Dixon Line. Does she even know what the MASON-DIXON Line is? She wants to erase history of our ancestry. She wants her heritage to be recognized while destroying our heritage.

  3. LOL 907 the only ones erasing history are you clowns who want to paint the confederate side in a clearly factually incorrect light.

    I for one think its funny that so many of you Trump supporters also are confederate supporters. You are just like those confederate soldiers; willing to go out and die for a system (slavery) that primarily benefitted the rich (most people didn't own slaves) while being a detriment to yourselves (artificially hold down wages) all because those powers that be who sneared at you told you that a white man was so much better than those evil America hating people of color.

  4. Northwest Woodsman: Another cultural Marxist following their playbook to the letter. One of the tenants is to destroy symbols of patriotism and nationalism. Thanks to our education system which is now an integral component of their plan of destruction, we have citizens who are so easily manipulated by a supportive press and media that the marxists are steadily achieving their goals. President Trump has thrown a few wrenches in their cogs and that, in my opinion, is one of the reasons they hate him. Trump 2020!

  5. 9:07 they are removing a logo from the plaque not the plaque itself. Germany didn't leave up all the nazi banners after the regime was overthrown...

  6. This is not Germany

  7. STOP erasing our History...This is what the NAZI's did. This is what the terrorists organizations do.

  8. Anonymous said...

    October 9, 2019 at 10:36 AM

    Who are the traitors?

  9. This is what you get when you vote for RINO's and Democrats.

    Boyd is a RINO just like RINO Larry is.

  10. You people should get rid of your white privilege guilt and start fighting back. Can't wait until that happens and we start erasing MLK names off of streets and buildings.

  11. The Democrats would rather replace it with the rainbow flag.

  12. Do you remember when Socialist Jake Day proudly climbed that ladder on the downtown plaza and proudly put up the Gay Pride flag with a smile while the small crowd of Homos cheered? That is what this country is turning in to.

  13. Uneducated Democrats. Sadly they think they know the true history.

  14. Anonymous said...

    October 9, 2019 at 10:36 AM

    Please tell us who you are calling the traitors?

  15. Anonymous said...
    9:07 they are removing a logo from the plaque not the plaque itself. Germany didn't leave up all the nazi banners after the regime was overthrown...

    October 9, 2019 at 10:39 AM

    Another DUMBA$$ that wants to compare Southerners to Nazi's. Last time I checked no one from the Confederate States of America killed 6 million humans. As a matter of fact the few that had slaves treated them like family, that's why they carried the last names.

    You should pick up a book some time and educate yourself.

    1. OMG if this is the extent of your knowledge on the topic, please accept my apologies. Its not that you are racist or hate people. You are just a total idiot with no clue abput real history.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    LOL 907 the only ones erasing history are you clowns who want to paint the confederate side in a clearly factually incorrect light.

    I for one think its funny that so many of you Trump supporters also are confederate supporters. You are just like those confederate soldiers; willing to go out and die for a system (slavery) that primarily benefitted the rich (most people didn't own slaves) while being a detriment to yourselves (artificially hold down wages) all because those powers that be who sneared at you told you that a white man was so much better than those evil America hating people of color.

    October 9, 2019 at 10:32 AM

    Hmmm... Who could this be??

    Jared Schablein?
    Jake Day?
    James Yamakawa?
    Jake Burdett?
    Jamaad Gould?
    Michele Gregory?

  17. Speaking of the Socialist, Jared Schablein, he lost his election as a member of the Democrat Central Committee so now he is running for a seat on the Pittsville Town Council.

    What a JOKE!

  18. All of these liberal Socialist Democrats keep stating that these comments against removing this symbol are racist Trump supporters that would be screaming and protesting if that was the African flag claiming the Heritage would be destroyed and racist. What is the difference? That is where the slaves came from. The Black African's sold the slaves to the ones in America. Another example of partisan preservation of history.

  19. Don't you politicians in Maryland have any thing better to do 😂😂😂😂

  20. Anonymous said...
    Don't you politicians in Maryland have any thing better to do 😂😂😂😂

    October 9, 2019 at 7:58 PM

    Did Carl Anderton vote to remove the flag or the plaque?

  21. Those who refuse to learn from history are destined to repeat it.

  22. October 9, 2019 at 10:32 AM:

    Please, your ignorance is showing. No wonder you are for erasing history. You obviously don't know why the South voted to secede from the North, and obviously don't know that Northerners owned more slaves than the South. It was only after the war had been fought to a stalemate, that Lincoln injected slavery as an issue to gain the moral ground for defeating the south. Lincoln, a Republican, angered many more Northerners with his Emancipation Proclamation (an executive order) than the south. He had to issue an executive order as there was no support for freeing the slaves in the northern Congress at the time.


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