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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Transgender lobby forces sanitary towel-maker Always to ditch Venus logo from its products

The maker of Always sanitary pads has given in to claims of discrimination by transgender men and removed the ‘Venus’ symbol of the female sex from the wrapping.

Outraged women are now boycotting the leading brand after the decision by makers Procter & Gamble (P&G) to kowtow to trans activists who were born female and still use sanitary products.

Last night, feminists warned that the concession is a chilling move towards the ‘elimination of women’s biology’.



  1. These sick bastards will be the first to go when S*** hits the fan

  2. When are these big companies going to wake up and realize that these fruitcakes are the Minority and not the MAJORITY. This is beyond the pale.

  3. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttt????

  4. Take a guess how many people in this country consider themselves "females" that require tampons that are actually biological males. These people are driving this entire conversation and it is just sick

  5. I am confused here and I probably should not ask. It's confusing enough but what need for a sanitary napkin does a trans gendered man have. This is how confused I am is a trans man a women that became a man or a man that became a women and why do I have to wonder. Actual women in the third world would love to have a napkin in whatever package it comes in. To each there own but it's becoming surreal to even understand anymore and some of us have careers lives and families and not the time to address every psychotic aberration of nature and try to find compassionate tolerance . LOL I just don't have time and I have a head ache. If you want to live as a man or a lady or whatever as long as you show up on time and do your job fine but don't tax my empathy for you by mutilating your body and trying to rewrite biological and social order to accommodate your personal malaise.

  6. Do transgender "females" pretend to have periods? This is beyond weird. I'm watching the world get weirder everyday. Eventually, Darwin's theory of evolution will kick in, and hopefully these idiots "phase out."

  7. P&G,

    the same fools who gave us anti-male Gillette ads.

    Losing their shirts and still being stupid.

  8. Yeah they do pretend. I know s trans woman and he/she wears them just because he can. Doesn’t need them but just wears them. He/she is absolutely a pathetic mental case. I’ve never seen someone so wrapped up in their mental issues as him/her. I’m so glad to not see that person anymore they are a energy vampire,


  9. P&G, through their Gillette subsidiary, tried to blame men for social ills and lost tons of customers and sales. Their ads included a dad showing his teen/grown daughter how to shave her beard after taking hormone treatments to turn into a male!

    So kowtowing to a handful of gender confused people seems totally in character to P&G.

    I stopped buying anything they make. There are quality other brands for everything they peddle. Be an informed shopper since they only worship the almighty buck.

  10. Yeah, I was about to buy them the other day to - you know, catch the drippage when I can't shake enough - but i stopped because it had the Venus symbol.
    I feel better now. I'll cancel my appointment with my pshrink.

  11. P& were not forced. They bowed down and rolled. They are commies 101

  12. These pathetic excuses of humans will be forced out of existence eventually

  13. A "man" that needs sanitary pads isn't a man at all. "He's" still a woman.

    1. He still has a penis, so it’s hard to know what’s dripping from it but if it’s blood maybe “he” needs more than a sanitary pad. Jeezus

  14. The truth is that a lot of these "trans" people are not really trans people. They don't have their genitalia fixed to be what they claim they are. Example: A man who "identifies" as a woman and wears women's clothes but yet still has a penis. He is not a trans person. He is a crossdresser. The same applies to a woman who now "identifies" as a man. Yet she still has a vagina and needs pads. This is not a trans person. They are simply crossdressers. Why don't we call them what they are. They didn't change their gender. They simply like acting/dressing as the opposite sex.


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